slevin kelevra

Part of me of course wants them to get dragged for the appropriation, but another, slightly larger part of me really wants them slammed for how they probably spent millions on this entire thing and it looks like a couple rich white guys went to the dollar store, slapped a couple of unfortunate discontinued wigs on

High fashion cracks me up. Always doing something edgy/offensive in order to distract from the fact that everyone on the runway looks like a complete idiot.

Exactly what I’m thinking. I’m not even upset about it because I know it’s just harmless attention-getting.

I saw a great thread the other day about how online out rage is basically a marketing scheme. That makes sense to me. 

Common mistake lazy people make: you never know who you are fucking with whence you begin to fuck with folks. That’s why you do your job properly and remember that a thing called social media exists.

I get what you are saying, I genuinely do, but I disagree. At least partly.

“But the couple’s maneuvers also bear the distinct imprint of the historical legacies of AfricanAmerican women’s resistance.”

That was some passive aggressive bullshit in the first tweet to her. They need to explain how they are changing their policies and why this motherfucker still has a job.

Yes, being rich doesn’t matter if you can’t inconvenience others while lording your wealth over them. I’m hoping this is a small gym where relatively few people are being put out but when you have the money to build a gym at home and bring trainers to your home gym, I’m not sure why you would deal with renting out a

Wouldn’t it be more convenient to have whatever workout equipment she wants at her probably-palacial home? Rather than renting an entire gym every time she wants to exercise. Or is there something I’m missing about rich people?

What will the people who have been saying “We wouldn’t criticize them leaving if only they gave up the money” find to criticize them (i.e. Meghan) for now? I’m sure the problem will be that they are rejecting Harry’s poor, vulnerable 90+ year old grandmother, or some other reason.

Literally just breaking:

Im a white guy, but I figured I’d take just a moment to create a flow chart to help out any other white people who were having issues:

Should I touch their hair? --> No

A clear case of someone doing too much.  Handing out money when the NCAA is anal about athletes getting free meals and then the ass slapping??? If I was the coach, he wouldn’t be allowed around the team.  

Don’t touch me. Especially don’t touch my ass. Especially don’t touch me if you are a male human.

It’s not okay to slap someone’s ass without their consent.  It is, in fact, assault.  

Go slap a cop on the ass and let me know how well that works out for you. 

Seems like the security guard was remarkably restrained, try that in a mall or try it and not be Odell Beckham and see what the result is. Beckham’s problem is nothing can never not be about him, even when it isn’t. He wasn’t the show, the guys playing in that game were but he couldn’t handle that and made a complete

Where I work Crunch is treated exactly as that, failure on the part of management, and that’s who sees repercussions for crunch. Because of this, crunch almost never happens, because crunch means managers losing jobs. Crunch is wasted money in more than one way.

Fuck CDPR.