slevin kelevra

He didn’t get “big Pharma” money. He got donations from people who work for pharmaceutical companies. But this is just another example of how lefty purity comes from a place of privilege that harms POC. POC who are stupid enough to try and play by their rules are doomed to fail.

Its hard to be ethical and in politics..

Florence Pugh got nominated for Amy in “Little Women”??? Is this the thing where the Academy goes “Sorry we didn’t acknowledge your stellar work in that other thing last year so here’s a nomination for some random thing you did this year”, because “Midsommar” was a horror movie and therefore not supposedly worthy of

I think statements like these are pointless. The press and public will runi with whatever story they want. Even when they were dating he released a statement defending her and criticizing how she was being treated. I thought their announcement last week pretty much stated this was a joint decision. And his comments in

Hustlers was not a good movie. We should not be offended if bad movies don’t get nominated.

I much prefer ‘Harmegheddon’ to ‘Megxit’ and ‘AMarklelypse’, as it puts ownership for the decision on both parties.

I don’t get it why everyone is so hyped up about Lopez.

Two nominations for Scarlett Johnasson. What a historic moment for Asian women.

It is the supporting nominee that is really dumb. Scarlett Johansson was great in Marriage Story, but nothing about Jo Jo Rabbit was great. Zhao Shuzhen has Nai Nai in The Farewell deserved that supporting nomination. The whole movie hinges on you falling in love with Nai Nai. Shuzhen gets you there. 

I believe there are only about 5 Asian actors ever nominated for an Oscar. The last nomination was Rinko Kikuchi for Babel in 2006.

ScarJo reps for them, no?

Talk about a slap in the face to the Asian community...

No Awkwafina. The entire cast of Parasite shut out. AND Scarlett Johansson nominated for TWO acting awards. Talk about a slap in the face to the Asian community...

Scarlett over Lupita, Greta not being nominated but Todd Phillips was is my villain origin story.

I love Billy and I usually love his red carpet looks but I’m not digging this one. The jumpsuit dress is ill fitting and weird (what’s with the random tiny cutout mid torso?), and the butterfly tattoos are ugly and basic. 

“Butterflies are a symbol of the transgender community,” he explained. “You come as one thing and then you transform into something else.”

Always assume the cop is lying.

If cops can lie on the job sometimes and for some reasons, when can they not lie, and why should we ever assume a cop is not lying? Isn’t lying to get justify an arrest almost the same as lying to get a conviction?

What the fuck was even the point of this lie?

Holy crap.