He’s just jealous of all the cool shit I buy with these Soros checks.
He’s just jealous of all the cool shit I buy with these Soros checks.
Alternative headline, White nationalist wonders why white nationalism no longer cool.
Im trying real hard not to drag one of the more celebrated Olympians in recent history by sharing their Instagram post saying, ”champions only have time to worry about being a champion, so no politics”.
The IOC and FIFA make the NFL look like choir boys.
The Olympic games have to be some of the most politically charged sporting events in the world. Countries literally compete for who will spend the most tax dollars displacing poor people for a giant eyesore stadium that will most likely not be used for shit, decades after the games.
Yeah, good luck with that, IOC. lol
...says one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet.
They have treated her like shit and because her husband saw what killed his mom (they were running away from the press) he is putting a stop to it but it’s her fault??? Man miss me with the bullshit. He wants his family to be happy and peaceful. Good for them.
I mean he did write this when they sued the tabloids.
I keep waiting for Harry to finally crack and yell at the paps, “You killed my mother and I couldn’t do anything about it. I will not stand by and let you destroy my wife.”
What Harry and Meghan have proposed is certainly not new. Only the moldy British Royal Family is behind the times. Other European royals have cutback and streamlined their families ages ago.
Is Zuck going to stop taking money from foreign governments who buy political advertisements?
oh, this is creepy. I would hope it wouldn’t tarnish Teen Vogue’s reputation -- obviously it’s a mistake -- but advertorials are just awful and need to go to hell and die with pain.
“I’m not asking for them to be introspective, I’m asking for them to stop,” Jones replied, blackity-blackly.
Oh no they don’t need to be viewed as bad and can even make some profit. I think cult would be more defined as kind of appreciated then become much bigger than expected later on. I feel like Drop Dead Gorgeous is a good example, not sure if it bombed, but no one hated it. However now it’s well known by many. You’re…
IMHO a “cult classic” is one that arises organically from within disparate groups of fans, rather than as the result of a calculated process of polishing up a seriously flawed product to counter the hemorrhage of cash lost.
Except Cats is joyless. Most bombs are at least fun in their terribleness. I literally hid behind my hands from secondhand embarrassment for basically all of the movie - notably excluding Gus because Ian McKellen is a damn genius.
I think you’re enjoyment of Cats depends a lot on the environment you see it in. I was in a theater in NYC the weekend after Christmas full of people that were clearly in on the joke and there to have a good time. There was laughing, cheering, and live commentary. I’m pretty sure half the audience was drunk. When Judi…
Real non-snarky question: are there people who are actually fans of Grimes’ music or is she just like famous for being weird?