my inner Stannis Baratheon
my inner Stannis Baratheon
“Let’s use me as an example: If someone is calling me an influencer, they’re saying that my job is to influence, and I don’t think that’s true. I prefer to entertain and be a friend. I don’t want to influence.”
Speaking of Peter, how does he manage to look the exact same and also unrecognizable each new season?
Then she can turn down sponsors and Cosmo covers. But she can’t have it both ways. If companies are giving you money and goods in the expectation that you’ll tell your followers to buy them, you’re an influencer.
I prefer to entertain and be a friend. I don’t want to influence.
Woman Who Lives And Dies By Branding Says Current Branding Might Kill Her
Why not just call it what it is: Freelance salesperson. I mean if you don’t like the word influencer then admit you’re in sales cause that is how you make your money. And yeah I admit it seems silly but the idea of working as a salesperson for a company you don’t work for and then turning that around into income...…
She is right. She doesn’t influence she shills. That is what they do they shill.
BuT We WoUlD HaVe to CLoSe PuMPs WhIch WoUlD MaKe Us LoSe MuNy! lol
Some have done it already. We have Speedway as one of our stations in MA. All of them have upgraded to chip readers. I know 1 thing for sure: I am not going inside to read my chip, I’ll go to a speedway instead.
And there have been many instances of card skimmers installed on pumps, which cost the credit card companies millions of $.
Gas stations have had years to implement chip readers. I’m sure Visa and Mastercard are tired of their bullshit excuses at this point.
It’s hard to have any sympathy for the operators since the rest of the world has been using chips for 20 years at this point - it’s just a failure to invest because the consumer pays the price of cleaning up after their card is skimmed.
First Gear: High Goddamn Time.
“no one said this wasn’t photoshopped.”
“No one said I’m not constantly lying. No one said anyone in my family likes me” (this is the guy whose siblings all endorsed his opponent)
Props to JJ for using his platform to call this out. Kealia deserves notoriety and recognition for her accomplishments, not to be treated like an accessory to her fiancé.
IIRC, the big concern is that if they get a “taste” for human flesh, they’ll be much more likely to see isolated humans as prey in the future and attack them. Right now mountain lions generally won’t see people as potential prey, which is why they tell you to stand up tall and wave your arms around if you come across…
The cost is irrational, since it is set by emotionally compromised and mentally unstable losers.
It’s a good time to explain that even if you disagree there is room for reasonable discussion on the topic, and that responding with taunts, threats and name calling only proves the author’s point