slevin kelevra

Thank you for bringing this up.  I had an argument along this line with a Trump-loving acquaintance.  Her rationale was that Trump was justified in doing whatever he did because Biden is so evil.  She then said she couldn’t wait to see Biden in handcuffs.  I was disgusted, but could not reason with her.

I know what it doesn’t mean, it doesn’t mean lose your license, your job, and your freedom like it would for anyone else (especially someone who isn’t white.)

I am more concerned about diversity in the front offices of NFL teams than on the sideline. Who do you think makes these hires? Also can they work on diversity in the owners box? Yeah The NFL moves at a glacial pace in these situations but the death of David Stern and the listing of his accomplishments makes the lack


and I take full responsibility for it.

Her candidacy will not terminate until the last dollar has been grifted (with love, of course).

My favorite part in all this is they don’t seem to understand that “I did bad shit to prove they did bad shit” is not a valid defense of your bad shit. Like let’s say the Bidens are guilty as hell (nothing suggests they are) but let’s just pretend. Hunter and Joe are deep in the weeds doing all this shit in Ukraine

Its just the perfect illustration that represents the republican party in a nutshell.

I too would love to see him testify.

REAL MOBSTERS: “I ain’t saying shit.”

WANNABE MOBSTERS: “I will personally testify that we didn’t do the thing that we are being accused, but if we had we’d be best at it. Saying, not saying. I’d be good at it.

I would never pay for another first class ticket if I knew that I could get one just for being a rewards member.

Exactly and also note he was gently grabbed by other people (who let go right after) and all he did was smile and greet them. Aggression is never acceptable. I wouldn’t react well to being grabbed in any way.

I had shoulder surgery in September and wore my sling in public until last month for that reason. I didn’t realize how much unwarranted contact I received until I had an injury.

Agreed. I think it was way he reacted so quickly. He was so impatient and slapped her hand so she would let him go.

I get that he’s the Pope of the people and all that, but he still doesn’t deserve to be grabbed—he’s not public property. Because if some guy had grabbed a woman like that, and she had slapped his hand away, we’d probably think it was OK, right?

Correct. In a world where the standard rule is “every empty seat is a free for all after takeoff” there will be melee near first class as people try to nab the empty seats, especially on long-haul flights, resulting in fights and inevitable delays/diversions (beacuse you know we can’t have nice things).

Fewer people will pay for the higher class, or use miles/cash to request an upgrade, if they know there’s a chance they could get it for free. That appears to be the airlines’ rationale.

I honestly don’t blame him. I don’t care who the person is, you should not grab them unless you are pulling them out of the path of a moving car or they are on fire.

Keeps his Pope hand strong.

(Most) Chrisitans do a terrible job of following, emulating, or sharing the message of Christ. Jesus of the Bible was a pretty awesome guy with a very clear life message: love others and be decent. All of the BS that people love to quote from the Bible comes from writings outside of Christ’s life and teachings. The