slevin kelevra

A friend of mine was trying to find a new job during the holidays. Her organization underpaid and overworked staff. No raises in years. A very passive aggressive environment where higher ups would talk out both sides of their mouths and thus never committing to anything. Everyone was unhappy.

Mr. Tekashi has some very good lawyers. Twenty-four month total sentence is quite lenient considering what he pleaded to. With good time off that’s a total sentence of 20.91 months. He’ll likely get good time because he’ll probably be in ad-seg the whole time, given his fame and snitching. He has already done 13

There’s literally dozens of things an actor can be asked about in an interview, without devolving into the navel-gazing exercise of examining your performance in a particular moment. Instead of respecting his clearly expressed and non-confrontational request, Fresh Air decided to push the issue and do it anyway.

OR he could promote the movie, talk about his acting, the cast and the story without having people cross the lines he has drawn.

I’m pretty sure the members that said/did that are the female equivalents of the tech douche bros. Sheltering the two into same workplace is probably a win for society.

Yes. This is what all the advice columns tell you to do. Set and enforce your boundaries.

>It seems like they were setting this up to have a conversation about why he doesn’t like listening to himself, which is also pretty rude of them.

The Wing’s marketing as a man-free space sparked some debate over how it might handle trans and non-binary members

Hey, salinger77, buddy? Give us a fucking break, troll.

I am definitely on the side of Driver on this, and I say that as someone who does like to listen to Fresh Air. It sounds like he was told that they were going to play the clip and he could remove his headphones, but was there any kind of verbal response to that or was anything said ahead of the interview? NPR is

So, Driver was like: “You know this one thing? Don’t do the thing.”

OT: It’s Day #2 of Gremlins in the Kinja. Is anyone else still having a hard time with their notifications, as in the link not taking you to your started/replied to posts?

So I love Fresh Air, and they always play clips of a guest’s recent work when they are they are performers. It’s part of the format. But surely, SURELY after what he told them, and since they knew to advise him to remove his headphones, they could have edited the clip in after the interview was recorded? I completely

He’s not talking about actually performing poorly, he’s talking about being a perfectionist who can’t stand to see a performance he can no longer tweak. It’s fine if another performer doesn’t relate, they’re not all the same person.

1. That’s a really, really false comparison
2. You can enjoy the work of making something and still struggle with perfectionism RE the final product, especially when you’re not the editor
3. As the article repeatedly states, he was there promoting a movie that is not Star Wars, and in fact is a very different type of

I’m not famous, know no one famous but I HAAAAATE when people don’t respect boundaries. It’s infuriating and frustrating to tell someone ‘X makes me uncomfortable’ and have them just dismiss those feelings. Happens to me all the fucking time since my mother ignores all my cues, even outright statements like ‘Can we

This is not at all the same thing. 

I also don’t blame him. They were aware it made him uncomfortable back in 2015 and decided to do it anyway which is kind of a dick move. People have their reasons for creating boundaries for themselves which is frankly none of our business and it comes off as icky when they ignored that boundary. 

This! I also think with added stress of movie press junket AND the holidays makes doing this to someone an extra special shit sandwich. 

Nope. He set clear boundaries, has reiterated them over and over AND OVVVVVVER. He said he doesn’t like it. He said he doesn’t want it. That is not being a fucking diva.