Sleestak Chopra

except she’s right. Plowing through black neighborhoods to build freeways was one of the things which led to the Detroit riots of 1967, and the city’s subsequent decay.

3d printers have taken the spot of drooling excitement that the Oculus Rift used to occupy in my mind (Sorry Occulus, took too long, partnered with FB and are way too expensive, the thrill is gone).


OMG, i laughted!!!

Taking inspiration from someone else’s design isn’t illegal. Actually, I’ll go one step further; blatantly copying someone else’s design isn’t illegal. It’s only illegal because of the patent. It’s like complaining that video game controllers have directional pads. At one point similar technology is going to

Who are these people? For the most part, I think people went out of habit and/or fan obligation. We kept thinking they would get better and they never did.

NOBODY LIKED YOUR PREQUELS, GEORGE. Has nobody told him this? Nobody? Is he in complete denial?


Picasso put out literally thousands of hastily-scribbled drawings like this one. He used to use them to pay for drinks and dinner in restaurants and bars. This is not exactly cutting up Guernica.

Why is it so important to you and others to complain in detail about the obvious scale mismatch used in the video? It’s an abstraction and the intent is quantity, not scale, as a function over time.

Everyone has a capacity for violence, and fear = budgets = money. If you believe the 24hr news cycles that are trying to sell you fear and advertising, you’d believe that blacks and latinos (and now “muslims”) were responsible for all the crime in America. We make up 30% of the population collectively: just

Three and a half billion light years away in the Virgo constellation, two supermassive black holes are on the verge of smacking into one another smacked into each other three and a half billions years ago. In 100,000 years later, their cosmic collision will send sent ripples across the fabric of spacetime.

I hope he makes a huge profit with those lotto numbers.

Am I just too old, or is everyone associated with online “pranks” a terrible person?

I look forward to your next piece “I am a crotchety old man”.

I used an electric fan from a Subaru and two big solar panels to vent my attic. Sun comes up, fan goes on. :-)

Already exists: the hockey puck.

Now playing

I raise you another documentary of the terrible skeleton wars:

Yeah I am ambivalent about linking to her. I updated the article to point out that the FDA approves of the caramel coloring. I should've looked for a better source.