Sleestak Chopra

I really wish I could invent Charlize Theron

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I like the one of the Bowie Mick Jager guy does it better. This seems kinda ripping off the guy who does those videos.

you like creepy porcelain, hows abouts a scary alphabet book? :D

Have you never heard of Hola Unblocker?


[obligatory French joke]

Really clever guy and I give him a lot of credit, but Thunderfoot misses the point. This was never really about efficiency of alcohol storage or shipping. It was about novelty and fun. People like to be intoxicated and want unusual, fun ways to get there. They'll want to try it even if they have to snort a pound

The sea was angry that day, my friends. Like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli!

I hate to be sour grapes. These guys should be commended for the effort, but would have been better served until they'd learned proper pacing for action sequences, how to composite CG into live action, chroma key footage properly, and structure a story free of cliche.

I keep a GXL2200 and a SM58 on my desk, plugged in through an audio interface, and I can tell you that the SM58 falls off really hard on the bass. The SM58 has its legendary status for its extreme durability and remarkable sound quality for its price, but in no way does it sound as good as a condenser/electret

I'm hoping it is more like this. Because I wanted to like Coven but it wasn't as compelling to me as Asylum.

I miss Carnivale.

So the juice doesn't contain the pulp and structural bits? So you get mostly water and sugar? I'd have to see the process that "extracts" the nutrition and keeps the fiber; sounds like BS to me. I'm certainly not challenging your experience, just your assessment of the contents of the juice. Sure, you can put that

Exposed paper cones? Wow, so rugged... I'm in the middle of building this.

Just a little Gun Kata.

FAQ About Time Travel.

Many studios usually use MDR-7506's though. Slightly more metal parts, same drivers and apparently less bass and more treble from what I've heard. You can tell them apart straightaway from the label on the left ear cup (blue for 7506, red for V6).