Sleestak Chopra

Can we give this lady a fucking break? She did a great 5 minute bit on how to cope with the stress of the Nazi bullshit, not a wrote treatise on how to fight them down. She’s not Rosa Parks or Lara Croft or Hillary Clinton or even Bernie Sanders (or WHOEVER you like). She’s just a comic trying to keep her shit

Well, you’re a cunt, but you may be weird too; we can’t tell from this photo.

It’s ultimately her business, so really don’t care, but if she has the will to use extreme surgery and corsetting, she should be able to summon the will to lose weight to help get to her goal so that she does so without destroying her ribs, spine and organs. But again, her dumb choice.


I had a gf once who had her ovaries palpated by a Dr. and then proceeded to apologize to me profusely for every guy she’d ever half-jokingly kneed in the balls. You’ve obviously never had it done. That shit is pain on a level you won’t know short of major injury, and is way next-level to pull with friends...even

So: “some guy tried to scam me with an old scam I should have known by now, but I didn’t fall for it”. Not really much of an article.

This is one of the most “up against a deadline with nothing to write about” articles ever.

C’mon, that’s not what he said.

1. This guy’s a douche. It’s certainly possible regret might have set in and the girl might be lying, but I don’t see why it would happen right on the spot.

You can’t help it, you were raised that way.

...because let’s face it: you’re a bad person.

Admittedly this is entirely anecdotal and hearsay, but I know someone who is an auto adjuster and the number of Jiffy Lube horror stories I’ve heard from her have sworn me off them for good (a number of them involve drain plugs being left open and the customer driving off to a seizing engine.)

Can’t tell you how many desktop I work on and how many power supplies I replace. Carry replacement hds (2.5/3.5), router, power supply, monitor, corded mouse and kb, thumb drives, and various software tools. Then the upsells are good to have: wireless mouse and kb, power strips, wifi usb, externals drives, etc...

Couldn’t disagree with most of those points more.

Well, ultimately your opinion is meaningless, so there you go.

C’mon...who wouldn’t LOVE to see this kid go over for being a little too arrogant?

It’s Florida and it’s Tampa/Clearwater: They’re on the Courtney Campbell Causeway

Can we get this guy another fucking job, please? That sports banishment was a travesty. Olberman’s a seriously great voice missing from the political debate.

EVERY fucking tv show and movie that depicts life in NYC is complete bullshit and tends to piss off native NYers. There’s a lot more than 1 NYC; there’s dozens, and life actually goes on above 96th street, as I once heard some “25yr-old, living-up-the-gay-stereotype, fashion-victim, ex-iowa-transplant” once question.

I REALLY like Rashida, so I’m just gonna close this tab and pretend I never saw this.