Sleestak Chopra

Fascinating & very revealing (and something I’ve suspected myself). Simple answer: move. Fuck this place. I know it’s home but many places start out as home and don’t end that way. Why spend your life loving something that won’t love you back? I consider it often.

I didn’t even know that was possible because I’ve never even considered it. I’m not sure why you would want to (although “The Matrix” is obviously the best choice for it.)


Anything starring the Sklar Brothers makes me want to kill the Sklar Brothers.

Relax. It’s a shtty hollywood comedy, based on a shitty hollywood comedy and both about a ridiculous business that generates billions of dollars a year by being fodder for assholes. I’m gonna suggest not taking it too seriously.

That sucks, but I find it hard to muster a lot of compassion. You belonged to a church: oppression is what they do best.

I live in a state that is distinctly not CA or NY, and if we go out to eat and I see you leave a 15% tip, I’m saying something to you. It’s not 1989; people gotta live. Don’t like it? Go to Chez McDonald’s.

Dude, it’s not 1985. I’ve been tipping 20% standard for about 15 years and not in NYC or LA.

Blarrgh Blarrgh! MY PS3 doesn’t blah blah so this one MUST BE blah blah! Listen to me! I have things to say! Blarrgh blarrgh!

Be a real shame if someone jumped up on that $10 million property at the address mentioned in this article and burned a few of those cars accidentally. They’d have to be very careful because these douches have diplomatic immunity and could possibly shoot you and get away with it, but it would certainly be a real shame.

That’s a silly statement.

While you certainly “have to just love the baby you get”, you go to a sperm bank for a greater than average chance of getting exactly what you’re looking for in a baby. $50,000 doesn’t begin to cover a fuck up of this magnitude; you can’t just take the baby out back, shoot it and try again. You’ve created a human life

Yeah, I was 25 too, once. If you’re looking for your musical heroes to be your moral heroes, it’s gonna be a pretty quiet 50 or 60 years for you.

Sight unseen and article unread, I have to call bullshit...because Tom Cruise.

I firmly believe, after much research, that hunting and culling are a necessary evil of our world. I don’t like it, but we need it. We’ve built the world to our whims without much forethought and now we have to pay the price; part of that price is hunting and conservancy. But this...

This is messed up on so many levels:

1. Sunglasses do not go on your head unless you have a vagina (...and that vagina can’t live without regular mocha lattes, pedicures and episodes of “Real Housewives of New Jersey”
2. Sunglasses only go in shirt collars if you’re a young, affluent male asshole or are attempting to emulate a druglord in an episode of

I’ve been playing power chord heavy nonsense for 20 years but never noticed this, probably because I practice so infrequently. (laziness wins AGAIN.)

Been thinking about this for years. Watched dozens of “young starlets” do good, strong acting work and still have to pose in Maxim or Playboy. Essentially this business of “acting” (really the business of fame whoring) really only wants women in it to see them naked. Not “too naked too quickly”, of course. Those women

Jesus Christ, that seems like a lot of fucking vitriol you’re pointing toward a complete stranger who just feels insecure about getting older. Having him pay for what you seem to feel are the sins of men (or perhaps just of the popular kids) seems a bit heavy handed for some dude who just wanted to hear: “get a