In other news, Wake Forest digs through their opponents’ trash after a game for some reason.
In other news, Wake Forest digs through their opponents’ trash after a game for some reason.
The Trump economy is so terrifying that it already has Baby Boomers living in their GM’s basement.
It’s HEINOUS that LeBron is trying to make this a race thing when he’s clearly just angry Jackson insulted his entourage. There’s enough white dudes in this country who use loaded racial language (one is about to become President), picking fights over things like this trivializes actual dog whistles.
I think Jackson is just insulting them as being hanger-ons, nobodies, and screw-ups. I don’t see how it has anything to do with race.
What’s the big deal? I have a very strict self-enforced sex curfew that mainly involves not having sex.
A dog willing to pose for a picture with Bill Walton is by definition a good dog.
The movie was going to be called BOSTON STRONG except Wahlberg didn’t like the suggestion things can exhibit strengh that are not Mark Wahlberg.
Cris Collinsworth’s dunk was so good that he immediately Karate Kid/Teen Wolf reached the 3rd level of Bill Simmons’ pyramid. Something we’ve NEVER seen before except that one time Simmons did for some Celtics player and forgot about.
Man, now I remember Vodka Samm. That whole thing feels like it was 7 years ago. But it was only four redesigns and 3 owners ago.
*Holds backs tears*
When will this terrible, horrible year end?
The Browns will Browns this up by winning the last game of the season, incidentally sparking the first major riot post-Trump.
Spartans, what are you doing?
Popovich/Epstein 2020
Trump can take away so much from us. But he can never take away our good bears.
This is like a distilled, pure version of the “Cardinals Lose” posts.
And it doesn’t say anything good about Bill Belichick either!
So now we know for sure: Wall Street gets all its poilitical horse race information from Nate Silver.
Cute if anyone thinks this is the first time anyone has butchered and eaten a goat in the Wrigley bleachers. People wouldn’t even notice that during a close game.
That’s not an occupation, it’s a vocation.