The NFL doesn’t care who they alienate anymore. The fans, the players, Mark Zuckerberg — but what they’re doing the entire city of London by forcing them to host 3 games is beyond the pale.
The NFL doesn’t care who they alienate anymore. The fans, the players, Mark Zuckerberg — but what they’re doing the entire city of London by forcing them to host 3 games is beyond the pale.
I would not have sex with him, but I would marry and cherish him for the rest of our days. Sleeping in pushed together twin beds with him already fast asleep (getting up early to do light cardio) while I get some reading done before I join him.
The “Fuck You” legal response letter is one of America’s greatest gifts to the written word, but one of its least known or studied.
Can’t wait for the sportswriters to complain about the Duck’s celebration broke the unwritten rules.
While I don’t think the media created Trump, it does say a lot about the media’s lack of self-awareness that there’s been a hundred thinkpieces from the media saying Trump isn’t their fault. That’s reporters: collectively making an argument they’re not in a position to make in good-faith.
One of my fonder basketball memories is taking my mom to a Bulls game in Chicago. The Bulls were up by 20 or so in the 4th when they sent Hinrich in. The United Center went APESHIT every time Hinrich came even close to the ball. I think he made one shot which got the crowd even LOUDER. My mom looked at him intently,…
This is cute now, but just wait until Mama Bear comes charging in from centerfield and mauls Kris Bryant for getting between her and her cubs.
With zero value, Kobe Bryant probably is the Cleveland Browns best player of all time.
The Joe Maddon Cubs are the closest we’ll ever get to the “Major League” Indians and I love it so much.
I’ve always respected Kevin Spacey, but seeing how neatly he can pack a suitcase takes my level of respect to the stratosphere.
Your sarcasm sounded like it came from a personal place, as though Deadspin personally insulted you.
Sorry a gentle ribbing hurt you this much. Hopefully you father’s scotch and guaranteed six-figure job can allievate your pain.
Don’t worry, law or no law, it’s impossible to remove all the slimely, sticky, disgusting substances from Wrigley.
SIMMONS: Karate Kid V?
INTERN: Mr. Simmons, we talked about this...
SIMMONS: Kid Karate V?
INTERN: *Sighs* That’s... better.
The case you provided decided the honor code board had “no rational basis” to make its decision and otherwise dealt with several unrelated issues. Having someone say “Jack Montague raped me” will be almost certainly be enough to get over that hurdle.
While people can certainly be falsely accused of rape, that hardly…
We’re seeing a lot more of these expulsion lawsuits with the rise of more expulsions on the basis of rape accusations. I would say it’s highly unlikely he’s going to win this. The university owes you good, maybe just decent, procedure. It does not owe you a good result. Courts in general do not want to rehash the…
But this isn’t Baghdad 2003; it’s not actually going to happen.
A... a facial?