
I really don’t get this. Am I the only one who’s always heard it as, “So long, KING Bowser”? I didn’t realise the mishearing was so common. Perhaps it’s a difference between versions? I played mine on a UK (PAL) N64.

spoken like someone who doesn’t actually own a 4k HDR set (or has a crappy one without the contrast to truly justify it.)

I can survive a bit longer without 4k from HBO max since almost none of HBOs actual content is distributed in 4k (which is probably a thing they are trying to cover up with this as well) but I really

This take is ancient history. Anyone who has walked by a 4K HDR TV in the last 5 years know that there’s a huge difference. 

To be honest, kinda sounds like your eyes just suck if you can’t notice the difference.

You’re like the people back a few years ago that were snotty about 60fps. B-b-but the human eye can’t see past 60fps!

Wouldn’t you know it? It’s actually, in fact, noticeable.

I disagree. It depends on the source, and how much effort a studio put into getting it into 4K. Go watch Beetlejuice in 4K, with the new scan they did. It is beautiful. Looks better than some new movies.

Screw this. I’m still mad that Doom Patrol ended season 2 on a massive double-cliffhanger and I’ll have to wait until next year for any resolution.

The problem with a lot of FF—and I’d argue this was a thing starting with Kingdom Hearts/Advent Children is that these things were first and foremost solely concerned with “the rule of cool,” but instead of doing the legwork to make, any of it matter beyond “shit looks cool,” it just settles on having characters yell

Thats hilarious and they definitely should have seen that cumming.

This comment should not be ignored, based on the wildly nutso I09 coverage of Iron Fist.

Doesn’t this go against Gizmodo’s anti-appropriation agenda though?  Some Italian guy in a karate suit?  That’s clearly socially unacceptable or something?  Why aren’t you calling for Ralph max up to be recast by an Asian man?

Sorry, you’re correct, I worded that wrong. My own LG OLED can do 4k@120 over HDMI2.2. The assertion I made was much stronger than I actually meant. What I meant was that most TVs do not target those frame rates unless they are expressly intended to be used as a gaming monitor, which some sub-brands have been, but the

Epic is clearly in the wrong.

Eh; I’m a big Epic Fan, I hate apple [#Samsung is superior] — Grew up on Unreal Tournament, and love those dudes to death, as they have absolutely driven the industry forward, but I disagree here.

I have a hard time coming down on the side of Epic on this one. It’s Apples’ platform and you agree to their rules to use it. The same for Google. You want to cry foul, there are ways to do it without poking the bear.

I wonder if Sweeney realizes the irony in his tweet.

“there are no TVs which can run higher than 60FPS”

Because it’s better, gameplay-wise. There’s no ifs and buts about this. Everything is just more responsive at 60fps. The OP’s comment was about being used to 30fps of the first game so the sequel running at 60fps looked strange to him.

So...they failed to be cool by releasing an awesome hybrid remix/ost of one of their most popular games, that sounds awesome?

I’ve literally never heard a bad word said against him, from people he’s worked with to random encounters with fans.