
Epic used a malware vector to evade the app stores’ security checks, but OK.

There are no good guys, here. It’s 3 multi-billion dollar corporations fighting over who gets a cut of which part of a cash cow. The whole point of this lawsuit is because one of them wants to be exempt from the rules.

Weaponizing the playerbase really rubs me the wrong way.

This was the first game that I’ve had to actually pull away from my dad, because he wouldn’t set it down. I sense some chaotic father-daughter bonding.

The reason why it’s been a minute since I’ve played overwatch is exactly because of what you describe. I feel you sis. <3

That recurring bite, sting and burn of racism is why I quit playing games like COD and Overwatch unfortunately. My “friends?” couldn’t understand why I would quit two games that I honestly excelled at over people being stupid and racist but I tried to explain to them that the mental toil of constantly seeing and

I rarely comment. But you’re the shit Ash. I’ve enjoyed reading your work. And this a bum out to read. Just wanted to throw some positivity your way in shit times, from a long time reader of this site, recent reader of your work, and consumer of most nerd related things.

Ok then, I’ve stayed quiet but this is grating my nerves.

1 - Ellen had come out and was openly gay when she started this talk show. Oprah was still the reigning queen of daytime talk. The only other gay talk show host was Rosie, and Rosie wasn’t out at that time. I’m sure Ellen is a human being, and I’m sure her team

If humans lived in Tom Nook’s depraved cultish enclaves from day one, would Animal Crossing even be Animal Crossing?

The Star Fox 64 ones are real.

It’s worthwhile to note, though, this wasn’t leaked. It’s a fan modification of the existing audio file to sound clearer, and not truly uncompressed. Heh, the first reply to that tweet explains it.

Sadly, Americans have no idea of what Paracetamol is, hell, most probably don’t know Acetaminophen and will probably fight you if you told them it’s the same thing as Tylenol.

As a genetic cube farmer I really appreciate this outlook and wish more managers would adopt it. Good on you, your team is lucky to have you.

I didn’t make sure they got what they needed.

Even if he did tell people to take valid action against allegations, and even if those people then failed to follow through or do what they were told, the responsibility still rests on the one giving the orders. I do a fair amount of project management at my job, and if one of the developers on a project fails to

As an apology for missing out on this, she should give back her Oscar! It’s the rules for being a woman, you get penalized if you don’t make every male fan happy. On the Internet, this is the way. This is the way.

<...> and putting the headphone jack on the top of a device with a screen is always a no-no.

The N64 had a single stick, a D-Pad, a Start button, three shoulder buttons (L, R, and Z), and 6 right-side face buttons (A, B, and the 4 C buttons). Most of the time, when N64 games get directly ported without a more refined control scheme update, the C buttons are mapped to the right stick (which can be

So, how exactly do you map the N64’s controller to a device with no second stick and only 4 right-side face buttons? I can’t imagine any setup that isn’t at least a little uncomfortable, depending on what you’re trying to play. With the second set of shoulder buttons + select you can technically get every button