
Someone asked “Didnt his ex or something accuse him of abuse?” All I did was drop the link to what she said. Chill.

Wow, that’s.... an intense allegation. I’ll be curious to see how other cast members/crew weigh in. Other than Charisma Carpenter I can’t think of any complaints about Whedon’s onset behavior prior to this. And even that wasn’t about his onset conduct so much as his production decisions.

Maybe it really is time we stop giving white people who seek to weaponize the police against Black people cutesy little nicknames like “BBQ Becky” or “Central Park Karen.”

You can frame it as only an opinion, but hate speech has consequences. Already it’s been used as justification to prevent protection to trans people in the states and the UK. Already it’s caused an uptick in hate towards trans people online and in real life. You’re worried about people having to move from one game to

Yeah, just read about her throwing an open tantrum because Stephen King said that trans women are women.

In case anyone here was still under the impression that JK Rowling isn’t a transphobe, she recently unfollowed Stephen King and deleted her tweets supporting him after he came out saying trans women are women.

Trump in particular is a dead man walking, will be out of office in January”

I’ll believe it in January.

If anybody truly wants him out of office, do not listen to the polls or pundits.  Go out and vote no matter what!

I await the flood of SQW’s (that’s Status Quo Warriors) angrily taking to Youtube to create a 3 hour video essay about how Twitch has joined Reddit in their quest for further censorship.

To be blunt: this site is becoming impossible to use. Huge ads, auto play video that stays locked on top, making text hard to read... I suppose the writers don’t like it either, because surely you didn’t sign up to be writers for a promo rag, so please, please try to do something about it. Screenshot from Chrome on

Said it before, I’ll say it again.

Maybe Twitch has finally realized that the platform is big enough that it doesn’t need to indulge individual celebrity assholes to survive.

The fact that this author feels the trailer shows “a utopia poised to explode,” and doesn’t find anything unusual with that description of Brave New World, demonstrates that both the author and probably the people behind this TV adaptation missed the entire point of Brave New World. Spoilers for a book published in

It’s a fun drop in, drop out game, perfect for rounding off a game night since people can just leave whenever they want without impacting the experience of playing dramatically, and in a group that understands each other’s own sensibilities and funny bones, it’s an absolute hoot. I completely understand people that

and even more people who don’t also like that stuff, but hey good job being close minded and judgemental

make it stop

I would suggest BEFORE disabling UPnP to try Shields Up at the link you provided. If it shows your system not responding to external UPnP requests, then you should be good to go. No need to make things tougher on your internal network if you don’t have to. However, if you get a flag...... You might want to consider

Root’s own tv series Boy Meets Girl is rather funny if you’ve never seen it.

Sounds great if all someone does is browse the web.  If you do a bunch of gaming and have a bunch of connected home stuff it sounds like a management nightmare.

I’ve got one better: Recently I saw some jackass online bitching about people who supposedly spend their time bitching about people online.