
I mean, the joke is ruined anyways if people can't see the level. 


For those of us who don't have the game could you maybe provide screenshots or like a video? 

Why is the sushi speaking Russian?


It is, when you have limited data and downloading several 50gb+ games takes its toll.

Asheron, when the servers fell.

I wonder how much it cost them to use The Dream Of Life by Alan Watts. Interesting narration choice though. I wonder if the trailer makers were fans of the game Everything, which also used quotes from Alan Watts.

My thoughts exactly. Wii U, anyone?

So they just gave up and admitted that the Xbox is basically a PC and just made a PC tower. That’s cool, the design is solid.

I always hate it when a person creates something popular, then drags their feet on an ending. I get people have other things in their lives, but c’mon. When you wait this long to finish something, the story and the fans suffer for it.

One of those gifs with no sound that I can still totally hear.

I wont go to the theater and see it but i'll definitely get stoned at home and take a look at it.

All of the stuff you say he is is more typical of entitled white men than millennials. Plus, he’s not a millennial. 

Duncan Hunter is 43, don’t drag millennials into this.

RIP hearthstone clone, I barely knew thee. literally, I never heard of it until this article

Has he made any anime films? CHECKMATE.

I fucking HATE the term “ Fan Service”..

Dear Tom:

Can I call you Tom? I like the feature, and normally I’d don’t give a shit, but please talk to more women other than your daughter and the woman who probably gave birth to her. After many decades of NOT HAVING SHIT REPRESENT US, lots of women had an emotional reaction to the damn women-Avengers moment and did

In the end, the only one who has to sacrifice himself is Tony Stark

S'nothing to do with being weird, and everything to do with having a mind that isn't confined to operating within a narrowly-defined set of parameters.