
"and the system can't be held responsible if the devs aren't truthful when using it."

All we want is a good Iron Man game. Why haven't we gotten it yet?

Didn't you just mention it?

"Then why did I just liberate 5 towns from oppressive military regimes on my way hear?"

Great article. Seriously awesome read.

Haha yeah I like how they emphasized the no-DRM thing repeatedly. I don't think I feel the same way about From Dust as you do, however. I thought that the slipperiness of the controls was part of the selling point of the game/experience to me. It made the challenge of actually trying to be protective deity feel much

Exactly! That would've been phenomenally cuter!

Not bad. I would have gone with photoshopping in young me rather then adult me.

Why are these always the same classes we get in almost every genre going all the way back to Diablo? Can't they think of something else? It just feels lazy, like they're checking the box. "Ok, we have a our caster, our tank and our stealth/Sniper character. Done.".

This video should have been called "What happens when you take a video in portrait mode" Ugh.... I can't believe people do this! I didn't even know that people shot like that until people started making fun of people doing it. It seems so unnatural.

Which one is the HD retexture? Because both look really bad :)

"consumer entitlement"? You've gotta stop drinking the corporate Kool-Aid. When a game is announced for U.S. release in early 2013, and a year later, while fans have been waiting patiently, the company behind it won't say a word, then yes, consumers are entitled to an explanation.

So now we live in a world where it's OK to be an asshole because if your douchebaggery is a problem for someone, they're just being overly sensitive?

No. Fuck you.

"Crazy Nintendo investor desperately wants to be punched in face."

The real question is, why do they care so much that sometimes women take sexy pictures with gaming perephenalia?

Men don't have that sort of qualifier though. Women have to clear some sort of bar before they're allowed to call themselves gamers.

Made me remember this:

That I can't stand plagiarism? Yep!