I think he did, though, I think he yelled it during the game, knowing the kid would hear it.
I think he did, though, I think he yelled it during the game, knowing the kid would hear it.
Didn’t Shaq use the same “joke” in referring to the Sacramento team as the Queens, maybe on multiple occasions? I bet this dipshit remembered that and thought he was clever in applying it to this kid on the other team, and particularly clever in coming up with his chess cover story.
At a minimum it’s sexist and stupid.…
I can’t help feeling a teensy bit suspicious about this one, partly because it’s almost too doggone awesome, but mostly because I don’t think you could plan such obviously nonrandom room assignments as “all the Beckys” without being discovered and then facing some kind of discipline in your job. But it is a fuckin’…
At the screening of “Us” I attended on Thursday, one of the people sitting next to me had incredibly awful body odor. It added nothing good to the experience.
And then, at the preview screening of “Shazam!” I attended on Saturday, one of the people sitting next to me was a drunk talker. I made one look in her…
The phrase “event brand” in that tweet makes my head and heart hurt.
And who among us could forget her monumental “I Have a Dram” speech?
Aside from those of us suffering aphasia, of course.
Oh my golly does this news make me happy.
Um, hello, isn’t the Canadian ballet in all its splendour just across the river?
This sucks for everyone involved, but as someone who (still, somehow) identifies as an R-words fan, I’m grateful the team didn’t give up more in this trade. When the news first broke and I didn’t have any details, I was terrified we’d be giving up one or more much higher picks. Hip hip hooray.
Forget it, Underscored7, it’s the Internet.
Wikipedia says there were several theatrical re-releases, and from that list and plumbing the depths of my own childhood memory, I presume I saw this in 1980.
I for one cannot wait to see Condorman again!
The packages of the G.I.Joe figures I collected in the ‘80s included character bios, and one of them noted that the character “cut his teeth” doing whatever, and because young Sleep Attack wasn’t familiar with that phrase I was absolutely stumped. How did he cut his teeth? And what does that have to do with anything?
Fair point.
The word “tequila” is sung/shouted only three times in the canonical version of the song. Does that really amount to being “repeated over and over again”? No, I say it does not.
Even in a really small race, and even with a last-minute course change — especially with a last-minute course change — for a decision point as crucial as “if this is your first loop, turn right; if this is your second loop, turn left” there must have been a sign if not a human being indicating which was which.…
The smallest race I’ve ever run was maybe around this size. I got lost on the course and missed a crucial turn. Given my shitty luck, instead of cutting the distance, that missed turn cost me (and the poor folks who followed me, thinking I knew where the hell I was going) a few extra kilometers as we had to double…
Fair point.
I haven’t scanned the list of Best Picture winners, but have any other films based on fantasy novels — or, for that matter, other content that was previously ghettoized in a sort of cultural niche for nerds, like comic books — taken that biggest prize?