Lots of people love Burton, and Alex Trebek got everyone used to watching an older host. Burton could get a lot of Gen X-ers and Millennials into watching Jeopardy.
Lots of people love Burton, and Alex Trebek got everyone used to watching an older host. Burton could get a lot of Gen X-ers and Millennials into watching Jeopardy.
I agree that age is a factor working against him, though I think there’s an argument that having your game show revolve around a single host for decades with no apparent succession plan isn’t the best approach. If Burton has, say, 10 good hosting years in him and does well in his guest spot, I hope they go for it.
Don’t worry, Dr. Oz has a list of the top five herbal supplements that will let LeVar Burton live forever.
Joe Buck is still a way better choice than fucking Dr Oz
I’m really glad they finally are giving LeVar Burton a shot.
“I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)“ was my gateway drug to Meat Loaf. When I first heard it, I thought, “What Broadway show is this from? I gotta see it!” I know everyone else holds his other music in higher esteem, but it’s such a frickin’ banger that I have it on rotation in every playlist I own.
I have a similar story. I remember hearing Total Eclipse of the Heart and thinking to myself “damn, I could totally hear Meat Loaf singing this song”.
Nugent already has no taste so what else is new.
Real talk; I didn’t believe Chet Hanks was a real person for a really long time.
I thought he was a joke, because it sounds like a joke, doesn’t it?! Tom Hanks is so likable, you make up some joke about him having a shitty white rapper son, ha ha wait he’s real??
He should still be played by Tom Waits.
If they sign Harvey Guillen to star and Jermaine Clement to direct, and change Dracula to a 750 year old vampire from South Central Asia, I’m all in.
I’m still confused that Universal is making a shared universe featuring all public domain characters.
I think that was actually implied by the book. While he was already in an asylum before Dracula came to Britain, he somehow sensed his presence when he did. Renfield was more than just a Dracula fanboy; he had some powers of his own.
We’ve really never forgiven him for what he did to Jesus Christ.
“Hello Van Hellman.”
*Dracula busts into room, slaps down some cash and an empty blood bag*
Dracula’s just being a Dick.
“What’s the deal with vampires? Could someone...explain this...to me?” ~ Renfeld
Might be nice, but now I’m wondering if it’s even possible to move a planet to another star system, even if we all did work together. Some back-of-the-envelope calculations: