Thank you for your service to our country.
Thank you for your service to our country.
I was gonna ask if you meant Bruce Allen, but then I realized it works for either of those assholes.
The consequences of that 2017 assness were felt most acutely in 2018, when the tournament itself was played by all those other countries’ teams, so I proudly (by which I mean angrily) cast my vote for the USMNT.
I don’t even care that the failure to qualify occurred last year. Sitting out the goddamn World Cup is what happened this year. And it sucked, and it still sucks.
For me, it was the Caps hoisting the Stanley Cup. Otherwise, shitshow indeed.
Bless us all, every one.
It’s probably because an English person is involved, and they, um, spell some of our words differently.
Well, that’s just another way of keeping it hush hush, telling it on Le Batard’s show.
“Cara mia!”
Michael Jackson was “quickly filled by MC Hammer” was a twist I did not see coming.
What an awful thing to throw at someone! What a sticky mess that would be! Brilliant!
Well, it was a gigantic goddamn surprise, at least for me, so I’ll give ‘em that!
Here’s an unsolicited but I hope appropriate plug for “The Death of Stalin,” a pretty damn funny indie comedy from earlier this year. Zhukov rolls in midway through the movie, yes with a chest full of bling, and the character and actor are utterly fantastic.
Sometimes I am sorry I read an article. This is one of those times.
Did these people learn nothing from “John Wick”???
Penny for your thoughts.
Remember when the Bucs and my beloved R-words where both so shitty, and the NFL scheduling so arcanely complicated, that these two shitty teams played TWICE in the same regular season? I sure do. The R-words lost to the Bucs twice in the span of three weeks toward the end of a very bad season.
The ghost of Errict Rhett…
“Clean as you go!”
Counterpoint: what if the realignment created one two-team division comprised of ONLY the Red Sox and Yankees, playing each other 162 times a season? The expansion teams could take their place to round out the 30 teams in regular divisions playing regular schedules.
I think we mainlanders have worked pretty hard to prove we don’t care about Puerto Rico!
I believe its proper name is the KFC Yum! Center, thank you very much.