Sleep Attack

“Follow me, and I will make you fischers of men.”

Oh, man, I wanted more of just about everything in this movie, but especially the Grandmaster and Korg. In the comment above I just wanted to note what for me was the biggest missed opportunity to stick the landing in a moment of more sobriety and even melancholy. I wanted a little more time to savor it... even if it

I loved all three of them, and have re-watched all three of them, and it’s really hard to say which of them I liked the best. Not that this is an original thought, but what an incredible year Marvel has had at the movies! Three great and very different movies. Of course they gotta keep delivering the goods in 2018 or

To me, that was a lot more astonishing and impactful than the thing that happened with Thor’s hammer in that other movie.

I don’t think that one thing up there is inscrutable so much as it is a pretty lame dad joke. Over the hill meaning old, versus under the hill, meaning dead and buried.

I’m not defending this person, mind you, who seems like a bona fide nincompoop. And I may be mansplaining here. But I didn’t find that one

“That’s an . . . unusual choice,” she said. “I don’t think I’ve ever actually extracted a tray of Red Vines from the station galley before.”

That’s very kind of you to say.

I am not sure if I’m correct here, but it seems to me that if the International Space Station’s orbit is (“only”) a few hundred miles above the surface of the Earth, and our planet is thousands of miles in diameter, at any given point in the ISS’ orbit its crew may or may not actually be “as far from our stupid

Except they say “uploads” for what we call “downloads,” and vicey versey.


One wonders what she could possibly have known that would be news to Mueller and his team, given how grotesquely unsuited for any White House position she seems to have been, but then one recalls that literally every single person this administration has hired — including all the idiots who so far have spent quality

I think we all want to see that particular horror story end in fire, you know, just to make absolutely sure.

For sure it’ll be a huge... oh, you said hit, not head.

I was a foolish seven-year-old child who wanted to see Superman II in the theater, and my big brother took me, but that showing was sold out, so we went to see Raiders of the Lost Ark instead. To my brother’s immense relief — he was always a Marvel guy, not a DC guy — and to my delight, because seeing Han Solo as

I am not sure if a person whose handle is “natureslayer” is to be taken on the level with this one, but since I’m assuming the best of you, I’ll try to respond, about the original story if not this film, which I haven’t seen...

I’ve read this wonderful book a few dozen times with my kids, and the way things shake out

I know you already have a gun one, but Dick Cheney shot his hunting buddy in the face — on one of those “hunts” where all you have to do is walk straight ahead and shoot at the helpless birds that are released in front of you — and the hunting buddy apologized to him afterward.

Smoove B was real!

Yup, I’m with you, Galveston. I think Red Vines are nasty, but I will acknowledge that if they’re available at the concession stand, they’re gonna get purchased on a regular enough basis that it wouldn’t occur to someone to make a joke about it when they are purchased.

My (pathetic American) brain is struggling to understand in what way this is intended to be “meta”