Don’t swear. We’re were-spacepeople, not swear-spacepeople.
Don’t swear. We’re were-spacepeople, not swear-spacepeople.
You know what? That is really, really good work by you.
Your point being...?
[stands up] “I’m Xanderpuss!”
[other person stands up] “I’m Xanderpuss!”
[whole crowd stands up] “I’M XANDERPUSS!”
Fuck you to what?
I’m pretty sure the phrase “left-wing nutters” was meant to be sarcastic.
Yeah, even without having seen it, I reckon Camden, Maine, is probably the nicest of all the US Camdens. I lived in Camden, Arkansas, and have (briefly) been to Camden, NJ, and don’t recommend either one to anybody for any reason.
I like this a hell of a lot.
You’re not talking about Camden, Arkansas, are you?
If it worked for Bleeding Gums Murphy...
If this is what passes for good news, we’re well and truly fucked.
“The neo-folkies are coming! The neo-folkies are coming!”
Class with a capital ass.
Good, hard, Christian, American dollars.
You’ll make dozens and dozens of dollars.
Well, rifles do have but(t)s.
I can’t help wondering if there is a spin doctor who might address the issue of these two princes.
Well, except for all the murderin’.
In your mind, what are the odds right now on whether some form of this (unforgivably awful) tax bill will become law? Is it certain some version of it will pass?
Hell yes.
I also really liked The Lobster, though one’s mileage may vary given how quirky and difficult that movie was overall.