Sleep Attack

To be fair, I see that as part of the joke, and maybe it was “meta,” but of course these dudes were terrible musicians! It was hilarious that this movie surrounded them with all these brilliant and in several cases legendary talents. Like, when Matt “Guitar” Murphy gets super excited that these two idiots are sitting

Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, James Brown, Cab freakin’ Calloway, not to mention the Blues Brothers band...

Just to be clear, I like the Wayne’s World movie just fine, always have, and watched it recently with my kids and enjoyed it right along with them. But it doesn’t hold a goddamn candle to The Blues Brothers.

I don’t know if Dowd is a millennial, but I do know that I am an increasingly grumpy Gen-Xer.

This morning I learned that there are people out there who prefer Wayne’s World to The Blues Brothers.

I’m late to the party, so I didn’t get to post my usual “What a time to be alive” on this one.

I think they write it aluminium over there.

Does one of the Gambit storylines feature a Manic Pixie Dream Girl?

What a time to be alive.

I have managed to maintain just enough ignorance of these people that I assumed Paris Hilton and the Kardashians were part of the same family group. If they aren’t related, I guess they seem to be cut from similarly awful cloth.

“Britney and I.”

Boring, Oregon?

God damn it, I want a final answer on this, could you guys figure it out already?

Fucked a fish, too.

That’s the spirit.

I’ll allow it.

Cats? For fuck’s sake!


What a time to be alive.

On this very page, I’m seeing what appears to be an ad featuring Jon Stewart and Louis C.K.’s name...which I can only guess is a creative that needs to be updated.