At least it was the other “cat” mascot and not one of the non-cat ones. Boy, would that have been embarrassing!
At least it was the other “cat” mascot and not one of the non-cat ones. Boy, would that have been embarrassing!
“The Gods Must Be Cocksuckers”
We must be around the same age, because my experience with the truly execrable “You Light Up My Life” is the same as yours.
...remains overdue?
That’s very kind of you.
“This is the end, my ginger friend.
This is the end, assaulty friend, the end.”
I hate myself for joining you in this body shaming, but you know what, fuck Steven Seagal. I was going to suggest that he unzipped his pants because they were uncomfortably tight. You know, on account of how fat he is.
Thanks for the response, IV! I did in fact Google this myself after posting my dopey comment. I was puzzled because I don’t recall seeing the phrase “shot on 65mm” in reference to the handful of 70mm films I’ve seen in recent years (at Portland’s amazing Hollywood Theatre).
Hold up, 65 mm? Not 70 mm? Or are they the same?
But I love Jeffrey Tambor.
Man, how I wish someone would post a link up here to some way a person like me could, in just a few hours a week, earn enough money to buy a new car that makes a Bugatti look like a go-kart.
That’s as mind-bending as learning that Ron Asheton from the Stooges got to hang out with Larry Fine of the Three Stooges.
No, Urban’s character was called Skurge.
I dunno, maybe not having the Hulk appear in the previews?
I am sorry you didn’t enjoy the movie more. I really dug it.
This is awful, but you’re not wrong.
And Yossarian.
You don’t think it’s possible that that casting information could’ve been out there AND this big moment could’ve gone unspoiled? Because I think it’s possible.
I’m such a dope that I still laughed out loud in the theater when this happened, because I’d been laughing out loud the whole way up to that point and was in a really jolly mood, and it’s a funny moment, even though I’d seen it the trailer maybe a dozen times (because I take my kids to a crapton of movies).