Sleep Attack


I enjoy bowling.

Fair points all. I really enjoy bowling, though I don’t do it very often. But in this particular situation, I thought it might be worthwhile to suggest something that is literally in-house, meaning they can do all the recreatin’ they want without being exposed to the harsh glare of media exposure...

They have a goddamn bowling alley in the basement. Why would you ever leave the house?

F9ck It

An invisible toilet, just like Wonder Woman!


But he looks so doggone smart in those glasses!


No, seriously, are you somehow unfamiliar with the work of Sean O’Neal, the author of this piece? Snarky tone is kind of his “thing.” As he’s demonstrated time and time again, right here on this site.

It was one Johnson, but it was reportedly huge.

I have the same amount of interest in 11/8/16 as I did all those 9/11 movies, which is to say, none whatsoever.

Team Tyrese says to hell with you, then!*

I’ll allow it.

That you, Tiger? It’s me, LeBron.

SUCH A PROUD CAPRICORN! HORNS UP! (That’s what we do, right?)

Another pretty great dinner party combo.

Hey, this dude and I share a birthday! That is sort of cool!

Yeah, on the list of guys who deserve a break, there’s Paul Manafort’s name.

I love her so much.