
Yup. I was abducted by my dad, from my mom, when I was 2. Also of 10 friends I had in high school at least 4 ran away at one point or another. Anecdotal evidence I know, but please.

They were both too long, I agree, I couldn’t make it through Einstein, AB’s charisma and acting got me through Picasso. It was some of the best I saw last year. We American's just do not know when to stop with material we like.

That’s world wide. Not in the US, and as I’m sure you know, because not stranger danger, wearing or not wearing a mask won’t help or hinder those cases.

I do not understand the Chrissy Tiegan thing at all, except she’s a happy, succesful, cute WOC who owns her own sexuality and most people like her.

I don’t really follow the logic. I had to ask a cousin where she got stats on a meme post today about howthree American sized statdiums worth of children a year go missing, in America. She never responded.

Excellent point. I am corrected.

The other thing anti maskers are using is that supposedly it makes it easier for kids to be snatched. Then either leave your kids at home or sypervise them when you are out. I feel like these things are Trumpster led gaslighting attempts trying to get liberals with our soft hearts to relent. F that and F thrm. If my

He’s never hit my radar to your extent, but all your love for him is inspiring. I think I’ll binge watch him this week. I was absolutely mesmerized by his performance in Genius: Picasso and you not mentioning it makes me think you haven’t seen it. He was magnificent. I think it premiered on A&E and it might be on

I try to stay away from Cardi B because my daughter’s trans and ya know, but I can’t get WAP out of my head. It’s filthy and funny and catchy.

Ahh. That’s your response? I fat fingered a post and fucked up the spelling? What a great way to show you have no real defense. Thank you! I love it when people show they know they are wrong in such obvious but cowardly ways.

It is not a mental illness, which is what he called it. It is a neuroligical disorder. I'm unsure gow to make my words smaller for you to understand what I wrote. 

I get where you're coming from but ASD isn't a mental disorder. Genetics clearly played a part, but her kids are not crazy, they are autistic.

That pull out was pretty click baity. Her entire response is worth reading.

Clearly. Maybe it's that he bores me do much that whenever I see his name I skip over it 

Massive asshole. Wow. I’m just surprised I didn’t read anything before. I like my pop culture. I thought it was because his persona as such a massive kiss ass and how, like Jimmy Fallon, he must insert himself into everything, that people don’t like him.

Is he awful behind the scenes to or is it his schtic you don't like. I've literally heard nothing one way or another about him.

Found the twunt.

Yup. Before this trial I was unsure what “really” happened, but based on all of his actions surrounding this case, from the start - I’ve gone from a lifetime fan of his to despising him.

I'm not generally envious of people, but I am of their citizenship.

Thank you! I appreciate the information. I’m in MO, and it’s not legalized yet, we started gaining some momentum for medical Marijuana use, and then Covid happened. So it’s off the table for that reason, but also for two other reasons. When I smoked weed when I was younger it increased my anxiety, badly. I understand