
I’m glad I completely missed that. I am the same age as she was and I identified with a later start. I had joined the Navy at 20, did my 4 years and then got my degree, so I was just starting my career at 30 when Julie and Julia came out and I was writing and trying to get published and establish a career and married

She’s also been with her now husband for years. At least 5 I think?

It was so odd. Friends I have known for decades suddenly simping for Depp was pretty disgusting. 

No surprise. And yes, every time I said anything even vaguely supportive or even neutral about Amber Heard I was shut down, often viscously. Now I’m not saying that everyone was a bot. But that upwelling of whatever the fuck it was for Johnny Depp (who I remember throwing shit at Winona Ryder in their hotel room,

I can almost see the funk lines wafting off of him. He was really bad early mid relationship with Heard. Hair looked like it was dropped in a vat of grease, rotting looking teeth, dirty looking clothes. Just gross.

Cute, but did she go on to promote anything for herself or was this just to promote her partner. That’s kinda weird. 

She’s lazy AF. Except for her divorce from the orange menace, and a possible re marriage to some other rich scum, but really who would have her? I expect her to die in obscurity.

Caitlyn is an Olympian

I liked her in United States of Tara. 

She's peddling a stomach flattening something as well. I find giving false testimony about dieting crap just as awful as fat shaming. 

Who let you out of the basement? Does your husband/uncle know you're on the Internet. Religious freak. 

I don’t think so. That’s reserved for Trump supporters who back pedophiles and putting them in cages. Religious freak cunts like you who pervert the bible. Shouldn’t you be making a sandwhich for your uncle/husband snd your flock of unwashed incest babies?

You know she eats steaks rare. That’s simply a variation of I have a boyfriend to some guy who seems like he might hurt you/make a scene with a straightforward no answer.

Yikes! Another person outs themselves as a transphobe! Because nothing I've said here indicates bad parenting. It only triggers bigots.

Me either. I'm not sure where she gets her confidence.

Interesting responses here.

Please read my actual replies and respond to those, not whatever made up version you are working from based on the fact that I clearly love and support my child. 

I see you still haven't done your research or either completely read or comprehended what I wrote. But at least you are true to type.

I know science and facts are hard for people like you, but do some basic research. The bible doesn’t count and Fox isn’t news.

Nope. I make decisions until she's 18. She's still a child.