
I have tried Wellbuttin and Paxil, but honestly Xanex worked best for my anxiety. The only problem with that is that it is an opiate, and I used it once a day and became physically dependent on it. I stopped using all of those a few years ago because I didn’t see much of a change with anything, besides the xanex, but

That was aspecial set of typos all together. I use my phone and fat finger away. ... Also "Dore" though I think that was just a brain melt, all others are typos!

I don’t know how other people are making it sound, but I am a long time watcher of reality TV and this was seedy even by low reality TV standards.

I was remembering mote. He was trying to be the new Hugh Heffner, do the Girls Next Dore thing but with him as the ficus.

Yes, it certainly explains it, though it does not excuse it or give him a pass. Statistically many, many child molesters were victims themselves, do we forgive them to?

Did anyone else watch his reality show? He treated women like phenomenally stupid sides of beef. And there were women who were happy to have that brush of fame I suppose, and accepted it.

Yup and the response above is why so many get away with it.

That as well, and he had mental health issues. That, combined with addiction, and age, because while not pedophile shit, there’s an intellectual and emotional inequality between those ages. Not to mention the power differential because of status and money. Are there good relationships with that age gap, for sure! Do I

He had Epstein and Weinstein at Beatrice’s 18th birthday party and the three were photographed together. The girls were okay then probably, but if he’s going to be so morally wrong as to bring his rape buddies to his daughter’s birthday at Windsor, the liklihood of him having them around his kids during undocumented

I have mixed feelings about the monarchy as well, but that interaction gave me the good feels.

Yup, that song drop doesn’t say anything good about August’s motivation about speaking of his relstionship with Jada. She’s gross for going after someone so young, I’d be side eyeing a man for that, and he's gross for cashing in on it. 

I could have sworm I read he had dropped out.

I thought it was sweet she wore both the Queen’s dress and the tiara the Queen wore to her own wedding.

I don’t believe he hasn’t watched it, but I do believe he’s an opportunist.

I was thinking the same thing.

I envy normal drinkers right about now, but once I start I can't really stop.

Great point. They should not have lead with this and they should have called in another writer if needed. You have swayed my opinion.

Accidently read one of the highlighted comments under the Megan story this morning, where someone’s arguement was basically she needed to stop being a drama queen and everybody goes rhrough things, and stop bringing being a black women into things.

Because it deserves more than a slap dash blog, because they don't have obituaries written yp like the New York Times? 

I guarantee you that if this had been thrown in with Dirt Bag there eould have been an uproar, and rightly so. Likely from the very people bitching now. And yes to.putting out something thoughtful and not sloppy.