
I have not see the original Time Traveler’s Wife movie or read the book, which might be why I was sucked in by that trailer.

Tom Hardy behaved badly, no doubt. But that is ALL we know about the situation and we should approach our expectations with humility and questions. Not judgments and demands.

Very conflicted about Dark Empire. On one hand, the story was absurd (cloned emperor, galaxy gun, rancor bio weapons lol) and the decision to maintain a cohesive continuity that included DE and its sequels really laid some shitty foundations for future story telling. I also really didn’t care for Cam Kennedy’s

I take issue with saying that Star Wars’ “dark ages” was a thing of the 90's, particularly the first statement in this article that characterizes the 90's as the dawn of the “dark ages”. Heir to the Empire was released May 1, 1991 and it was #1 on NYT’s best seller’s list by June 30, 1991. The time in the 90's before

Insomuch as it’s possible to watch something wrong, sure. It’s a big soapy action show with a few horror elements now, it just changed from something that was extremely for me to something that isn’t. 

I’m happy for anyone who’s still enjoying the show, but there’s been a pretty strong inverse relationship between their episode budget and how much I like it, and it sure doesn’t sound like they’re turning anything around with what they’ve got left. I miss the small, creepy, intimate show from the pilot; I’m exhausted

But when they open Disney-themed funeral homes, will they be called “Storydying”?

I agree. I’m no fan of the Jedi Order, but not because “they’re just as bad as the Sith they fight”, but instead because I find a lot of their teachings to be flawed. Burying your emotions is not healthy, and more often than not is the number 1 cause for a Jedi to “fall to the dark”. Because they’re not taught how to

I really, really, really liked this movie. I don’t get the hate.

I’m almost 40 and my kids and I are pumped for this movie.

I’m in the middle of an all-MCD watch-thru (all the movies and TV shows), and I’ve just hit S2 of Daredevil. I’ve never been clear on why there was doubt as to whether the Netflix shows were a part of the MCU; they were billed as such initially, and they do reference events in the films, at least obliquely. (Not to

I just started the Netflix series again last night. Yeah the tone of it doesn’t really jive with Disney’s MCU but he is just about as perfect a Murdoch as you are going to get, and he obviously loves the role, and Daredevil as a character totally fits in to whatever weirdness Marvel is working on over the next few

Maybe, I’m in the majority, but I prefer to get my money’s worth. The ticket/DVD/BluRay price is the same for a 90 minutes as it is for a 180 minute movie.

Wasn’t The Dark Knight almost 3 hours?

Honestly, that makes me feel a little better. I was worried about villain bloat and not being able to tell a good story that used them all in less than two hours.

Perhaps you should have actually watched the film before judging the entire content and story solely based on runtime.

Bonus its by Totillo.

Why are we just now hearing that production on the Xbox One S ended over a year ago?