
Actually, it kind of looks like a final destination trailer where a bunch of girls have to prevent a spiderman from killing them. My wife is psyched for it. I’d watch it too.

I... disagree. Your article is your opinion and I respect that.

Sue me, but I love Hawke’s indie presence and am here for his role within MK.

The Sound of Metal should be on here as well. 

Well, that’s going to make me cry. 

A whole year for Indiana Jones, eh? That CGI better shine

Man, he really just took a ton of lead in that trailer. 😳

Read this in college. Loved how it wove multiple complex themes together. Excited to see it come to the big screen.

I really want to enjoy this, kind of like I did the EU years ago. But, knowing it too will just get squashed away whenever the Disney Empire marches again to the drums of the of the capitalist campaign they are waging, I mean, really, why get attached to characters who are going to get wiped off the canvas all over

How did the soap box feel? 

Here come the clones, the Sheevy clones...

I am still pissed that we don’t have the King Arthur sequel that came out last year. That was a damn fun movie to experience.

I know that the MCU and Netflix worlds have forever been separated. But now that half of the Avengers have disappeared with the snap, this is my last hope that Rogers will have to rally a new substitute for a squad and turn to New York’s finest. It won’t happen, but damn, wouldn’t that be a perfect send off for the

This robot needs a beard.

Well. Most people are pissed that Jedi warriors might grow beyond being warriors and turn into monks. So therefore, Obi-wan still has this allure of mystery to him that Luke no longer has. It's the same reason that the EU took off in the first place- let's hear more of the same great adventures that worked out last

Everything else can bomb at this E3 as long as I get another Cyberpunk trailer.

Fight me.

No Thomas Jane?

Couldn’t finish it. Turned it off.

Now playing

Would love to see more about The Elephant Man. Will have to go back and watch it for the first time. This scene was pretty touching.