I... disagree. Your article is your opinion and I respect that.
I... disagree. Your article is your opinion and I respect that.
The Sound of Metal should be on here as well.
Everything else can bomb at this E3 as long as I get another Cyberpunk trailer.
Fight me.
I miss this guy. I think the nature of fame really throws people into an ontological mess of expectations. Pair that up with other assholes and you have the recipe for a perfect storm. Hope he gets back in the game.
Ew. No. Stop it. Just cause he can’t remember something doesn’t mean he needs to be haunted by that. Once he actually screws up doing something stupid, fine, but until then, go get a life.
Can someone tell me how the Golden Globes are awarded? I know the Academy votes, but the globes? Who is responsible for the nominees being all male?
Hoping that the new game has a better button combo to roll. The last game was crap to dodge anything on the battlefield.
This might sound repetitive, but I would kill for this game to have a soundtrack that rivaled MOH:F. Some of the ambiance of those silent moments made the louder moments traumatizing.