
I only played the first one a handful of times but have hundreds of hours playing the second. I get the same feeling taking over the jedi council chambers in Coruscant and having 20 enemies spawn at a time every 30 seconds or so.

I actually disagree pretty strongly — the Sokka in the cartoon is, charitably, around 14, and while his sexism is never presented as acceptable, it plays very differently in that context than it would coming from a guy who looks 22. I think pulling back on that somewhat in live action is probably wise!

This is one of my top-three favourite Disney movies.

The ones I read seem like pretty normal, measured statements.

That’s a shame. They set up some interesting ideas for season 3. But that’s what happens with any TV that isn’t a runaway hit.

This looks simply a bit too similar to the other ones.   Maybe I’m jaded.

The Leftovers is in the conversation for the best TV series of all time.

Only wish the take-away would make it into the rich heads: it’s the writing. Everything else can be mostly director-ed/edited away; but bad writing is ever lasting (financial) doooom. Good writers and there’s hope for a solid return (and three derivative sequels!). Bad writers and it’s a one-off dubbed for the late

I believe I speak for the entire internet when I say that we are so happy you shared that with us.

Mangold’s involvement is the one element that gives me a teeny bit of hope for this, because he did such a phenomenal job with “Logan.”

Yeah, none of the issues with the Superman movies had anything to do with Cavill’s performance. They were just poorly written/directed at the end of the day. 

So he stepped away from The Witcher, the character he’d wanted to play for years, for probably the only role that could have persuaded him to do so, only to get shitcanned two months later?

Time for Netflix to start tossing coins to the Witcher

Cavill’s Superman movies weren’t the best...but I actually had hopes that if they did the things they were teasing, and make Superman less depressed, that he could have made a brilliant movie.


I had hoped that after the events of the series Jon Snow met up with Hot Pie and together they founded an artisan bakery that specialised in baking erotic cakes

I actually prefer the new look, having had a phobia and later hatred of gingers all through my life, including more than one close, personal run-ins with a few of them that almost cost me my life.

be still my beating heart

Rahul Kohli as Roland, Hamish Linklater as Walter.