
Gotta run the rage machine to generate them clicks!

Good. I’m sick of it too.

The powers aren’t the thing that make Superman, Superman. It’s his character. He has godlike powers and he chooses to be good. He chooses to resist corruption.

TSA . . . has done almost nothing to improve safety” -- not one shred of proof attached to that.

Charlie Jane’s review of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is an all time classic.

Welcome to the club! Same thing happened to me. 

Any chance you could chime in at a meeting for content creators to stop it with the slideshows?

Our readership has never been afraid to speak its mind

First, LOVED all those scenes with Mace Windu and Kenobi charging into battle yelling, “For Life and Light!”

This series has become too overwhelming for me and I have to bail out. I like the characters and I like the villains and all, but making this a cross-media event with a billion different spinoffs became immediately exhausting. By the time the second adult book came out, you already had to have consumed so much other

“Because it’s going to crash, you see. Womp, womp.”

Is anyone actually ingesting this stuff? I can’t name a single friend that’s into star wars that has read a single book or comic.

Did we? Don’t get me wrong McConaughey is a dolt who has no business being in government but I'd still take him in a heartbeat over Abbott or West who will win against any of the people we field

Well McConaughey can’t be any worse than the current governor of that state.

That there at the end, that sure was a strange dog. 

Um. I wasn’t saying it isn’t? But Honor of Kings is on mobile and League is not. More people have phones than computers, particularly the casual gaming crowd, particularly the Chinese casual gaming crowd. So if we’re talking specifically the mobile MOBA market, Honor’s got a much bigger audience than League with much

Nothing more humbling than finding out a game you’ve never heard of is the most popular game in the world (I mean that sincerely).

That comment should be in the article.

Yeah I know this show tried to go the extra mile in order to correct the indelicate way it treated trans issues in the comic, but really, calling the show Y: The Last Man and then having trans guys wandering around is sending more than one mixed message.

Give the comic a chance, it's great.