
It was Jaime’s face that killed me. Nikolaj can say a soliloquy using only his eyes. 

She’s always been like that. She always expects people to treat her like their queen for no reason other than that she (believes she) is the rightful heir. To be fair, though, that’s pretty much how royalty works.

I agree about Dany, she seems to be more offended that people don’t immediately love her than concerned and looking for ideas to win their trust.

I agree that last season was underwhelming HOWEVER your obnoxious hyperbole can go pound sand.  The “my tastes are the be all and end all” brand of genre fan is really played out.  Get a more original act.

“Last season was objectively atrocious”

A female is literally the lead of the entire franchise Mr/Ms. sexist

Oh no. What a monumental loss.

Yeah it doesnt roll off the tongue really well, and itll be hard to shorten like saying “Hes seen Jedi 17 times! or Empire etc., but I think it’s fitting that the Skywalker saga finally actually has the name Skywalker in it.

That was Palpatine laugh right? 

In counterpoint to you, I really liked Glass. It just feels like such a different kind of film than those of the Marvel or DC universes, and the central dilemma of the trilogy — are superhero myths some long-forgotten memory of the way our species really can produce superhuman people that follow the tropes of

Yea, I didn’t really think the tone seemed very appropriate here either.  Needless attack on the children of the accused.

This is the first of more than 50 comments on this article to give a nuanced and thoughtful take.  Thank you.

Uh... The Force? Yes. That’s it. It was the Force.

It’s kind of telling that he basically ignores all of your post content. You are spot fucking on, my friend.

Is it clear? You’ve been angry this whole time, every one of your posts is assuming intent and motive on the parts of who you’re talking to, and you don’t really leave anyone any room to have a different view.

Of course this would be a topic of discussion. Someone always has to find the littlest details to complain about and make it into an issue.

What, no “In Treatment?” Shame.

Licensed therapist here! I’m not sure what ethical guideline you think directs a therapist to be unattached, but most therapists do share parts of their personal lives with their patients. It’s usually considered part of “building rapport.” I think you might be thinking specifically of analysis, which is by design

Wait, what? Frasier was a crappy therapist. The joke was that he was highly educated and an elitist, and therefore it was assumed he was good. You practically admit so much in the blurb above. C’mon AV Club!

Neither Dr. Paul Weston or Dr. Gina Toll from In Treatment make the list?