
Also? I don’t think he’ll ever get the recognition he deserves for it, but this was one of his finest performances. And I say this as someone who has loved his voice acting over the years and think he’s a tremendously underrated talent. He brought so many layers of emotion to every line that I could not pay attention

Luke being a super cynical old man makes perfect sense to me, so much so that I seriously don’t understand those who are upset that Luke isn’t the idealist of the original trilogy. Yes, he was super idealistic...when he was young, but age and experience and seeing what happened with his nephew have chipped away at him

Really liked your questions and interjections, Jason. You know your subject, which leads the dialog into the right direction, unlike most other interviewers I read on other sites. Some site even asked an avalanche of generic gamedesign questions to a ... level 3D artist ... Result was 50% of generic answers, 50% of “I

Long time Kotaku reader, but very recent Splitscreen subscriber. Have really enjoyed your E3 coverage via the pod, especially as someone chomping at the bit for more from CD Projekt Red.

Wow, what a way to reject good news.

Ubi will have The Division 2, that alone makes it immediately more interesting than anything EA had.

Not to drag you but god were you wrong about Evans as Cap

Maybe warning him changes his actions. He did say out of 14 million times, there was only 1 path that they won.

“How incredibly awesome are those?”

As someone who has desperately loved Star Wars since I was a child I completely disagree. There’s a difference between quickly referencing a Franchise moment and then just as quickly moving on, like Solo did at several points, and beating us over the head with it like the Abrams trilogy has so far. I felt like the

I’ll be honest, I would have much rather that hologram have been of someone like Xizor. I feel like Rebels did a great job of putting a bow on the whole Maul storyline; seeing it pop up again here felt anti-climactic.

NO .

Here’s my takeaway from this article: There’s a lot of lonely people out there. I’m not sure anyone outside of the “gayshipping” demographic really thinks this is front-page io9 materiel, though I may be mistaken. It’s weird how a niche topic that used to haunt internet forums has become this mainstream

wait, where’s hawkeye — oh right

I know Luke is a fictional character but it is hard dealing with what his character has gone thru. He started off so happy and full of energy, ready to fight the Empire and help restore freedom to the galaxy. Then to find out his father is one of the most evil beings in the galaxy after having his hand cut off,

Man this was a depressing read. The insecurity and slight self-loathing can likely be sensed a mile away and that is the big turnoff. If you don’t like yourself nobody should be expected to like you back. Your advice was spot on he can’t change who he is but he can be a better version of yourself.

the true villian of IW: peter quill...

Microsoft needs to give me something new to be excited about. Sequels to long running Xbox franchises (Gears 6, Halo 7, Forza 8, etc) arent going to do it anymore. There were days when that could be the highlight of a press conference, maybe even the entire event, but I don’t see a Gears or Halo announcement setting