
Really liked your questions and interjections, Jason. You know your subject, which leads the dialog into the right direction, unlike most other interviewers I read on other sites. Some site even asked an avalanche of generic gamedesign questions to a ... level 3D artist ... Result was 50% of generic answers, 50% of “I

Long time Kotaku reader, but very recent Splitscreen subscriber. Have really enjoyed your E3 coverage via the pod, especially as someone chomping at the bit for more from CD Projekt Red.

Ubi will have The Division 2, that alone makes it immediately more interesting than anything EA had.

Man this was a depressing read. The insecurity and slight self-loathing can likely be sensed a mile away and that is the big turnoff. If you don’t like yourself nobody should be expected to like you back. Your advice was spot on he can’t change who he is but he can be a better version of yourself.

Microsoft needs to give me something new to be excited about. Sequels to long running Xbox franchises (Gears 6, Halo 7, Forza 8, etc) arent going to do it anymore. There were days when that could be the highlight of a press conference, maybe even the entire event, but I don’t see a Gears or Halo announcement setting

Personally I like Abby and Eric better as friends, but I thought him echoing Joel was nice and their kiss wasn’t contrived. The part with Anne’s religion did get a bit much, she’s gone from a multifaceted caracter who happens to enjoy Bible study and making pillows with religious statements on them, to something that

Respectfully, this is not an article discussing race nor is race a topic that is touched upon in the piece even tangentially. I’m puzzled as to why you’re bringing this kind of angry baggage to a discussion about Star Wars references in an unreleased future film. I firmly believe privilege can exist, including the

I’ve always liked Brendan Fraser and he always seemed like a standup guy. If I’m rooting for anyone to have a comeback, it’s him.

I know that I am (probably) in the minority here, but this movie was one of my least favorites. It felt like an over-wrought, very expensive senior thesis film that was sponsored by the director’s parents because they have friends and family in Italy and everyone wants to pitch in to see the young genius succeed! This

The new movies acknowledge the prequels. Kylo Ren mentions a clone army in the first one and Luke briefly recounts the rise of Darth Sidious in the new one. There’s not a lot of reason to dwell on those events 50something years later, honestly.

Why isn’t the conversation that men need to learn not to take advantage of people’s obvious discomfort

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

They tried that at the Golden Globes. Look how well that turned out for them.

No. Try using actual words next time.

That’s certainly easier than forming your own opinion of him.

lol you’re the worst.

I had a daughter a few weeks before release and I continue to put it off because I want a large swathe of time to invest into it at once. I have a hip surgery on the horizon that will keep me away from work for an entire month, so I plan on Witchering it up for a solid four weeks.

Anyone who preaches the prosperity gospel is a piece of shit and is using Christianity to make money off of people.

Honestly, I think...they could maybe go five seasons, tops. Fourth season will be panned and won’t count, but fifth will be a nice return to form. There will be a sixth but it’ll be on Hulu, for some reason.

Yeah the ‘Mouse and the Motorcycle’ feeling was strong this season;)