
And Jamie’s hand!

I hope they do coffee ad tie-ins for the movie. Just him savoring a cup of Nescafe. Two cups set out, he’s the only one shown.

I did read that but it still doesn’t really make sense to me. I get that Lucas and upper management cocked it up but WHY? The game they made were top notch for the most part. 

I know it’s probably rhetorical, but the answer is because the multibillion dollar corporation with exclusive rights is ran by people chasing trends and fast payouts and not creatives or passionate developers.

I will take any ray of hope that we’ll be seeing my boy Kyle again.

Great tips! I think my biggest would be this: take your damn time! There is no reason to rush to 30 in the first few days. Take time to explore the world, listen to audio recordings, and read about different characters and events. You will enjoy the game a lot more due to not hitting the “end-game grind” as quickly.

Nah, dude. We’re going to sit here instead and pretend that this shitty movie is worth seeing because some neckbeards on Reddit decided to talk crap about it. Media journalism isn’t about promoting good stuff; it’s about promoting reactionary, tribalistic takes while gigantic Hollywood studios laugh all the way to the

It would have been wonderful if Alita: Battle Angel got a fraction of the attention of Captain Marvel on this site and io9. Captain Marvel will do more than fine because it’s a Marvel movie set before the biggest Marvel movie in history, and a sequel is all but inevitable regardless of how much press coverage you

A Shane Black movie where Riggs & Murtaugh have flying robot suits and are played by Robert Downey Jr. and Don Cheadle? What kind of asshole wouldn’t be excited about that?

Why wouldn’t we have been excited for Iron Man 3?

How much Jon Snow/James Holden fanfic do you think is out there? 

I know this is the final season, I know they’ve said all bets are off when it comes to characters making it through and literally anyone can go...

This might be the closest we’ll get to a “Westworld”-ish immersive experience at a theme park, at least for the near future. I’m ready for it

Steve Rogers might think of himself as the pinnacle of American military prowess, but Carol’s got that shit on lock in a different way.

I miss Justified. Is it on any streaming service?

I think he’s talking about the bit where Luke has managed to get himself entangled in his grapple chord like a dumbass. 

By far the best ad and highlight of this shitty game

Sorry, and I’ll put my biases right out front. I’m not interested in the Avengers.

Cool story bro