
Or to put it another way:

Still the best live-action iteration of Superman.

’m not sure I have much to say in a vlog, but thank you! And don’t give Doug a hard time. He’s one of the nicest people in this industry. He helped me and encouraged me long before I ever got a word published. 

hey man, I’m in Columbus. You wanna grab some food sometime?


it got hit with piece of the moon that Thanos threw at Iron Man? 

He’s going to be Nora from The Leftovers, isn’t he?

I get what you’re going for with including Non-Lois Lane’s here, but pegging those characters as just Lois Lane rip off’s takes away from them being able to be their own character. 

I’d bump Teri Hatcher a few slots simply because they’re real, and they’re spectacular.

Making a good television show that makes money for the studio is more important than representation for representation's sake.

Well, he made one of the best TV shows in recent times, you said so yourself... I’m sure that’s more important than “he’s a white dude”.

Why is a problem that the showrunner is a white guy? He is good at his job, that’s all that matters.

The Mission Impossible movies will simply not end, until Tom Cruise dies doing a stunt. I believe this is a psychological/medical condition known as “Till Death Do Us Part-ism” where for years all the bullshit of Scientology has built up enough that the only way he can feel anything is by nearly dying on every shoot.

Fuck off, John. 

I’m with you.  It’s strange how people need to tie themselves into philosophical knots to say that it is totally normal and safe to have sex with multiple people while pregnant.  That’s not safe.  It’s not okay.  And I’m sad for this woman that she needs to keep selling her body while pregnant. 

I’m a feminist and I support reproductive rights and I don’t think that sex work, or prostitution, is an awesome career choice that we should all celebrate. No. No No. I’m in favor of whatever social services can make sex workers safe and preserve their health. I will advocate for all the girls and women who deal in

holy shit.