
Still team Cavill. See ya later Hunt.

Star Lord and Booster Gold should have a buddy cop movie.

“Oh god.” - Steve Rogers

Woohoo! The whole concept of merging fantasy based magic with the technology of the modern era is a concept that our current entertainment climate has been craving for decades. But Ellis did it and man- he’s about to revolutionize - nay, recreate this all new hybrid genre.

I miss this guy. I think the nature of fame really throws people into an ontological mess of expectations. Pair that up with other assholes and you have the recipe for a perfect storm. Hope he gets back in the game.

Ew. No. Stop it. Just cause he can’t remember something doesn’t mean he needs to be haunted by that. Once he actually screws up doing something stupid, fine, but until then, go get a life.

Can someone tell me how the Golden Globes are awarded? I know the Academy votes, but the globes? Who is responsible for the nominees being all male?

I would pay money for IX to have a scene where Chewie meets up with Kylo. “Let the Wookie win.”

Also- can we just take a moment and talk about the lightspeed deathray that occured? Fuck Death Stars. We’ll just lightspeed through planets now and kill all known life in the galaxy.

Traffic collisions have a whole new meaning now.

No. I do not like this sketch.

Hey, I might be the only one who wants to watch this, but this looks fun. <shrugs> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’ll be buying a movie ticket. 

If Scott Glenn is involved, count me in. Love his weird ‘high as a kite’ characters.

The archer in me always cringes when people hold bowstrings the wrong way. Guess they really did want her to be a novice who was just BSing her whole adventure.

Whoever said anything about patiently waiting???

Theon finally found his balls.

See, it depends on what you refer to and see Star Wars to be. It could be a set of world building cultures and factions and various alien races. And don’t get me wrong, that is very much a part of what made the OT so dearly loved.

However, I counter that the nature of the storytelling associated specifically with SW’s

Hoping that the new game has a better button combo to roll. The last game was crap to dodge anything on the battlefield.

Poor kids. I wonder when pop culture is going to spit them out in the likeness of Lindsey Lohan.

Alright, I know I heard it earlier, but Laura Dern’s obsession with pink just screams Dolores Umbridge. They seem to be breaking form with the culture Star Wars has already established and... it just feels off for me. Not a fan.

Ah hell. I just realized that we’ve entered the death decade- every couple years we are going to find out a new way that Ford dies.