
Cyclops and Jean were both walking stereotypes. Still don’t know what is going on with Scott, but they both could use some decent character development.

How fast can you say character assassination?

This might sound repetitive, but I would kill for this game to have a soundtrack that rivaled MOH:F. Some of the ambiance of those silent moments made the louder moments traumatizing.

Wait, did I miss something here? Who is Price?

See, that’s exactly what I want from Batman. I don’t want him to be some “mortal god,” but I want his moral code to be able to be broken, I want his humanity to shine. He constantly walks that line of looking like a villain, correct, but why doesn’t he wrestle with faltering along that line from time to time? Even

Guh. All of this gaslighting is making me want to light a match and burn the whole plotline to the ground. The audience is being gaslighted right along with Rogers and... I hates it.

Skywalker or Eisenberg- You decide.

You had me at Amy Acker.

I miss the EU. :(

 I miss the EU. :(

That’s not Han Solo- YOU’RE A LIAR!

How did Scott Summers die again... again?

I don’t even know what obscenity laws actually look like anymore.

Could have sworn it said, “..most of the cast was black.”

Wash... Waaaaaash...

See, I don’t have any problem with the Avengers. It’s cool that people can have a team where all of the coolest people hang out and fight bad guys.

“If you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention.”

Drew Struzan... we miss you.

Ah. That wonderfully brilliant, spine-tingling score.