Missing Aubrey Plaza? Here’s a list of things where Aubrey Plaza plays Aubrey Plaza!
Missing Aubrey Plaza? Here’s a list of things where Aubrey Plaza plays Aubrey Plaza!
Yes, but that’s because Italians have sprezzatura. Parisians have fashion. And the tourist class have spanx.
So I’m not going to reply to TwatboxFromHell. Darling, I don’t “google” minor celebrities. Off you pop. Back to your mummy’s wizened teat.
Yeah, but the American needs to be a Southerner. I’ve known Americans from the South move to Glasgow (and the surrounding...region...) and struggle immensely with two things: the rain and the midges. The latter of those two is the most evil and horrific. (And when the Americans become acclimatised to the midges they…
I wonder what sort of shit we’d find if we all did a deep-dive into the backgrounds of all of the bloggers on this little site...
I’ve said it for years but there’s a real gap in the market for a decent, well-written comedy-drama about young Americans in France. Doesn’t need to be Paris. It could be anywhere. You lot come waddling over here full of all of these expectations and cliches about Europe and you’re always - always - left stunned when…
What fashion!? It’s like watching a bunch of H&M rejects mince their way around a set, FFS!
Or the inbred cesspit of Nice, Minnesota?
“Nice, France”.
Why do those two look like apes in drag about to throw their shit around an enclosure? People - this is why you use protection: you don’t want to risk birthing that.
Darling, who? I know who Mescal is but, erm, who are these other two? Are they famous? Do they think they’re famous? Did one of them have a sex tape? Shit the bed? Well?
It was Winslet. It’s always Winslet.
Question: do you stand to benefit financially from keeping these people around?
I was going to do this as a reply to someone else on this thread, but I decided to add to my original post based on a conversation my mother and I had regarding this shite (she finds the furore regarding Harry and Meghan hilarious btw)...
Eh, just get a kitchen tap (sorry, “faucet”) with an extending hose and you can haul the tap to the hob and fill it as you please. Also handy for hosing the cat off the fucking worktop after you’ve told the Death Wish Kitteh a hundred times to stay the fuck off the worktop..
Is it really time for another hate-watch of Emily The Vapid Yank in Paris? I better round up my French co-workers for this one and fetch the cidre (it’s like French apple wine but far nicer than you think. Goes faboo with vodka) and the absinthe shots for every fucked-up “fashion choice” that wee moron wears.
So...it’s boozy water with a wee tiny ejaculation of fruit-jizz? Come on, you’re better than...no, wait, you can do better than that. Try Glayva. G’wan. (PS - Angela: love your hair!)
Oh, and stop trying to make Chicago Wet Beef happen. It’s not appetising-looking enough to warrant a sniff of attention from the rest of the nation and everyone knows that only misery and incest come out of the Mid-West.