A Sky Like Honey

It was a thing back in the mid-90s. There was this mistaken belief (much like that with Spanx) that it “enhanced” the eyes. Lord knows there’s a few pictures of girls I went to school with looking like cheapo extras from Cleopatra lurking about on the intarwebs.

What a boring episode.  It felt disconnected from the rest of the show and, as usual, played up the melodrama for the Yanks.  The actual events/crap that was going on around Charles and Diana’s separation and upcoming divorce - and the fact that Diana was more or less losing the media war against Charles - is far more

No, get a cassowary instead.

I know one of my favourite Chinese takeaways recently relocated to a catering unit in a nearby industrial estate and, when asked by our local newspaper, why they had done it they didn’t cite rising costs or it being cheaper not having to have a front-of-house operation: they cited security. As in “local thugs can’t

*sips tea, cackles*

The bit at the start of the episode, with the poll claiming that people saw Charles as modern, forward-looking, etc? I’m thinking if that’s the poll that was done in the Sunday Times - that was then questioned several years later re: impartiality. Truth be told? A lot of the public here in the UK had started to

I’m amazed no one in Hollywood’s had the wizard idea of making a film about a disease that somehow takes human form and the US president swaggers up and sucker-punches it.

Well, technically he’s being played by one of the Scottish guys again (not the one with the Angry Eyebrows, sadly) and then he’ll be played by a gay Black Scotsman.

Let’s skewer the Atlantis myth and let it sink. What you really should know about is someplace called Lyonesse. The more we study the waters around Cornwall, the more evidence comes to light that something catastrophic happened in the waters between the Isles of Scilly and Cornwall in the past. Hell, it’s even


First the hentai, then the comments, then the Vogue rip-off. What next? His worldly views on yaoi?

UK person here and I concur - the most virulent racism I’ve seen in recent years has been that spouting forth from the mouths of naturalised immigrants. Case in point? Oh, just pretty much every frontbencher in the Conservative Party.

The Fuzzy Ninja has only ever clawed my furniture maybe once, twice? Both of those times was a response to my flatmate being a dick to him and the flatmate found out just how fucking terrifying I can be when someone hurts my mogling. I learned from my Grandmother (aka The Scary Cat Gran of my family - she’s got five

The New Coke/Classic Coke wankery made the news over here in Blighty.  It was even referenced recently in the Great Irn Bru Recipe Change Stooshie.  

One from Scotland for you lot.

Oh, the old “I made a mistake in letting you go, howsabout you come back and work for me” line. I’ve had that, eons ago (company owner laid off hundreds of people because of a poor decision on his part in taking a tenancy in one of our city’s most expensive office buildings that was miles from anywhere and no client

*serious news face*

Scottish/Irish tradition, I think you’ll find. We have a long and very proud history of carving turnips into lanterns here in Caledonia (and even more so - hiding them in the loft (attic) so that they can be reused the next year). Hell, we invented guising, which bastardised into trick or treating. 

Christ, wait until you lot get to see episodes of early Hollyoaks (UK teen-oriented soap opera that’s been running since 1995).  That’s a show that never shied away from controversy, let me tell you.  And at least we could look at the male characters, see a bit of trouser bulge and say “yeah, that’s not a Ken doll...”

My Grandmother said that those who look down on people who are time-poor because they’re using a jar of sauce are fuckers of the highest order (that’s a direct quote, by the way). As long as it tastes good to you, as long as it meets your immediate needs (hello, carbs and sauce, get in my belly!) and as long as you