Yup, that’s something both Detroit and Fahey have both confirmed in recent years. They’ve made up though. So, yay!
Yup, that’s something both Detroit and Fahey have both confirmed in recent years. They’ve made up though. So, yay!
I always remember what my very-Italian grandmother says about making a base pasta sauce: use what you can afford, treat the ingredients with love and fucking avoid garlic if you can. All you need, really, for a decent base tomato sauce is simply onion, a can of tomatoes, some herbs and olive oil. If I tried using…
You know, I think season three would have worked...if they’d stuck to the idea of multiple worlds within the Park. I fucking adored The Raj and, indeed, Shogunworld and they really dropped the ball with the ideas for season three. Season three could have explored beyond Westworld but still within the confines of the…
You’ll be amazed as to how many artists she’s worked with over the past forty years. I bloody well love that she worked with Shakespears Sister (another criminally underrated and partially-forgotten UK bands from the UK). Do we want that video? I think we do!!
With regards to Eurythmics - I’d throw another album of theirs into the mix - Savage. It’s a, well, naughtily experimental album by Stewart and Lennox, wasn’t as successful as their previous albums but still gave us some really solid performances with songs like You Have Placed a Chill in My Heart, I Need a Man (don’t…
Aldi and Lidl pretty much saved my life when I was unemployed about a decade ago (soon to be on the dole again. Woo!) thanks to the fact you could wander in, grab the essentials and something nice for a treat and it wouldn’t cost more than £10. Granted, the prices have changed now, but these two stores are still the…
Don’t be ridiculous.
*files claws*
I read that in that nasally-American auto-voice Tik-Twatters seem to froth themselves over. God, I hate that voice.
He told investigators that he fled without alerting authorities as he was “too traumatized” upon seeing her body.
Here we go again. It doesn’t matter how far we come, there’s always going to be some cunt wanting to pull us back. It’s shameful, isn’t it, that someone feels that they have to come out and tell everyone their sexuality - which isn’t anyone’s business or anything that anyone needs to know by the way - just because…
No, it’s a lazy term for the “Queer” community to screech impotently about how someone has ruined their masturbatory/fingering time by refusing to adhere to their personal fantasy of them being gay/lesbian/bisexual/whatever and using Twatter as a hellish mouthpiece to air those views.
That’s one fucked-up individual who clearly didn’t get enough hugs/locked in the basement with the horny spiders when it was little.
She’s looking for Harry Style’s sex appeal.
Now, see, I’m torn. I want to watch it for the always-brilliant Florence Pugh but then, I also want to watch it and mock that ever-lasting black hole of mediocrity that is Harry Styles and also because I want to laugh at whats-her-name-the-one-who-clearly-paid-these-backstreet-shills-for-coverage’s “direction”.
When these, the cretins of the world dye their hair all the colours of a shat-upon rainbow and wear unicorn onesies well into their thirties? No.
Fun fact about BSG: there were fanbois clamouring for a mini-series remake before the series launched because - gasp! - Starbuck had a vajayjay! (And I will die on this hill and say that Katee Sackhoff was fucking perfect as Kara Thrace)
You know, I might just attempt to OD on sugar, given that I’ve just placed an order for this candy corn shite to be delivered (we don’t get it here in the UK and it’s genuinely not a thing. Seems that our standards are yet to plunge to your levels). I’ve been told it’s like eating “sweet unidentifiably-flavoured…
I gave up on that cesspit of a show when they killed off Jamie Dornan (again). I frankly did not care for Snow (and her oddly-shaped head) or the strangely-unsexy Prince Charming dude but, mate, kill off one of my favourite male supermodels? Bitch, please.
Eh, I think we’ve got a more final “Yeah but nah” sound...