
Supper Club routinely makes the front page. Whether thats a good or bad thing is matter of opinion, of course. Just FYI.

Well, the second part of that dilemma is your own damn fault.

Jesus fuck is that some prime stupidity, even for a football coach. If you want to punish a pro player, you fine him; you don't punish the whole team.

OK, someone please tell this story. I'm sure I could google it, but I bet I'd get a better version here. "Tie-gate"?

People voluntarily watch The Room. Repeatedly.

Although with the Republicans winning it ends up being a wash.

It's funny you mention it. I'm not a Cubs fan per se, but I've always liked the team, and I've been rooting for the Cubs to win the Series for quite some time. I definitely felt the pain of the Bartman game.
But when I settled in to watch Game 7, I felt myself rooting for the Indians, since they were the underdog, and

OK, so "fuck [current year]" is a cliche. And yeah, obviously, people die every year, and we have a lot of celebrities these days, so lots of them die.
But it sure seems like we, or at least us Americans, got more than our share of fuckery this year, culminating in you-know-who winning you-know-what. And where I live,

I'm not the biggest Weezer fan by any means-like them, but not a superfan-but I'm pretty sure the answer is 'yes'

That's kind of what I had in mind. Kiss her, stroke her thigh, maybe some dirty talk, that kind of thing.

Agreed, and I love the album cover (I'm guessing that's what it is) pictured above.

I've recently started seeing a woman who says she never has orgasms during sex, although she can have one alone with her vibrator. She says she's happy being a "giver," which is cool, but I suspect she's had some boyfriends that took her for granted in bed. Like, maybe she could come during sex if someone made more of

I was legit shocked by the high-profile cast, but it's sponsored by something called iBooks, so I guess it's propped up by Apple money. And the episodes are short, so maybe not a huge time commitment for the actors.

I'm three days late here, but on the off chance that someone might see this, I'm going to say that "Fairytale of New York" is the best xmas song ever. I bring this up for no reason, other than I never pass up a chance to mention it.

538 gave Trump about a 1 in 3 chance to win, which is better odds than many people gave him. And they did say that one of Clinton's weaknesses is that her base isn't distributed in a way that's optimal for winning the electoral college.

Stuffing made with Popeye's biscuits? That's intriguing. Do report back on how it was.

The best turkeys I've had have all been fried.

I feel silly asking, but I'm one of those spoiler-phobes, and I'm way behind on Orphan Black. Do they talk much about specific plot points?

Glad I wasn't the only one confused by the 2016 next to that title. Loved that flick as a teen, kinda doubt it would hold up…

I'll check it out, thanks.