
I've been on an indie-ish horror kick lately, and I've seen several on Netflix. The Babadook, of course, but also Pontypool, We Are Still Here, They Look Like People, I am the Pretty Thing that Lives in the House, and a couple others. Although I think I've exhausted the ones I knew I wanted to see, so would be happy

I don't think it's a minor thing. The idiot dad and the grounded (albeit improbably hot) wife is a major sitcom trope, animated or otherwise.
Teddy gets so many great lines and moments. I laughed out loud when they cut to him driving and he sings "IIIIIIIIII wish my radio worked"

Louis CK has a cautionary tale about this you might want to consult first.

I guess there's always someone desperate and/or delusional enough to try.

I met an Adolph once, years ago. It was weird.
Obviously, I was tempted to be like, "So…is that like a family name, or…" but I'm sure he got lots of shit for it in his life, and this was kind of a professional situation, so I didn't say anything. Makes for a shitty story, I know.

I watched the first several episodes and thought it was pretty good. I've thought about getting back into it, but then I see comments like this, and think, "yeah, I think I'll give it a pass."

That's not how we do it! This man's an imposter!

In my experience, Facebook is fine if you're only "friends" with cool people. If you feel social pressure to accept someone's friend request, just accept it, then banish them from your feed so you never see anything they post.

I guess I might try to argue that some of the people falling into the "ignorance" category deserve some sympathy. Surely there are at least some people who truly believe that he might be able to bring the factory jobs back.
And remember, many people have been conditioned to only trust information sources that

Well, it seems to me the point of view of the show is that Meg actually is a decent person, whereas the rest of them are assholes. Maybe Chris is OK too; he's shown moments of decency, and he's so stupid I'm not sure we're supposed to blame him when he acts like his dad.
Maybe that's part of how they get away with the

People have mentioned several good reasons already. All I would add is that, if you already thought the Beasties were a novelty (and many did), the "hey laaaadeeez" refrain of the first single would have reinforced this view and made one less likely to check out the rest of the album. It's pretty obnoxious, really. It

I don't have anything worthwhile to add, so I'll just state the obvious: Thank you for sharing, Sean. This couldn't have been easy to write, but I think it will help people.

I don't have anything worthwhile to add, so I'll just state the obvious: Thank you for sharing, Sean. This couldn't have been easy to write, but I think it will help people.

Thank you for responding. I know we're just internet randos here, but I'll take community where I can get it.
On election night, as the returns were coming in, I basically said that if the decent people move to Canada or wherever, that would leave the most powerful country in the world to the assholes and morons, and

You're right, of course. But this has been such a dark week already (at least in the U.S. where most of us live), it makes it harder to process something we all knew was coming.

I work for myself from home, so I've been able to put off facing the outside world. I can't keep doing this, but I know I'm not ready. Hopefully by Monday…

I know you're being cheeky, but most of us are more sad about who won, not about who lost. But I'm sincerely glad you're doing well; you've been here a while, and I know you've had your share of rough patches. Cheers.

"The Babadook isn't a horror film." People said that? What do they call it, then?

Did you just draw equivalence between "get killed" and "insulted on an internet forum"? I'm drunk, so maybe I'm missing some subtle nuance here, but that seems pretty goddamn crazy to me.

I didn't realize the show had made that statement. But yeah, I agree. Potentially a darker tone, if they wanted to go that route.