
Honestly, that sounds like a pretty decent premise. Boy genius who's probably on the spectrum, with a fundie mom and alcoholic dad in rural Texas. And doing it single-cam suggests they're going for a different tone. But the fact that it's being produced by the same people as BBT is…not encouraging.

It would be nice if I could satisfy all of my addictions with one monthly, all-inclusive fee.

I'd say it works fairly well. There are occasional minor technical glitches–for example, there were compatibility issues with the new Mac operating system for a while–but I think some of that might have to do with the fact that my internet speed isn't very fast.
I pay $25 a month for the sports package. It gives me a

I cut the cable the moment Sling TV allowed me to get the various ESPNs without it. I do miss a few games I'd like to see, mainly NFL football, but I can easily watch my local team (the only NFL team I really care about) at the nearest bar, so I've largely been able to maintain my addiction.

Yeah, but people would recognize him and feel the need to bother him. Even if they had nice things to say, he might not want the attention. It's bad enough he has to live with it.

Right?! They had those games on Twitter for a while, too, which has to be a sign that not even the league takes those games seriously.

Done. I'm the one neutral baseball fan in America who was rooting for your guys, so I support your self-pity. At least the Cavs are back in action, which I hope will help you ignore the Browns.

I was at mass with family when that game was played. It would have devastated young me, so I'm glad I missed it.
This is literally the only time I have ever said I was glad I was in church.

Those can be fun too, though. I thought Pontypool , though not literally a zombie movie, had an interesting take on the general zombie concept.

Re: Let Me In. That was an English-language remake of Let the Right One In, right? I really liked the original, but it had what I found to be a few flaws and non sequiturs (there's some inexplicable behavior and a big reveal about the vampire character that seems to be thrown in for no reason). So I'm wondering if you

"Meh" was pretty much my reaction too.

He's making an SNL reference, I think. They made a joke referencing Trump telling his people to vote on Nov. 28.

FWIW, that's why I'm here now (and posting long after the point when anyone will read it). Anytime I see a D or F review of a film, I always read it, even though it's always for shit I never would have considered seeing anyway.

I'm pretty sure the music coverage was way more robust back then. But now that I've read the comments to this article, I guess I can't blame them too much for not bothering with music much any more.

Saw Jason Isbell. Great show, although he closed with "Children of Children," which is a pretty good song but not the most rousing choice for a closer. Also got to watch Leonard Fournette destroy Ole Miss, which was fun.


Exactly. Romney's a decent guy, IMO. I could see how someone could look at Romney's experience and decide that he'd be a solid president. I might not agree, but I could respect their opinion. But with Trump, he's a complete asshole, AND he's utterly unqualified, AND he seems to lack even a basic understanding of how

Soccer doesn't have TV timeouts, and therefore is objectively the superior sport. I know this intellectually, but at this point in my life, football is ingrained in my psyche, and I'm not in the market for more sports to follow.

It does get a little tiresome, but in this game it's going to be unavoidable. The first game back in the Superdome was against Atlanta, where Steve Gleason blocked a punt for a touchdown, so now you've got the ALS angle tied up in that too.…
On a related note, I know Teti was making a joke,

You do realize that hawking shit on Amazon pays the bills so Sean can have this forum?