
No, your instincts are correct. At their hardest, they were at most a hard rock/blues boogie kind of thing. But I assume they shared a lot of fans with the AC/DCs and Led Zeppelins of the world.
By the way, I just heard a Metallica song that doesn't suck. I can't claim to be up on their current work, but this

I saw them a couple times in 1994. They were fun, high-energy shows, at least for this mosh-pit-loving teenager, and a breath of fresh air compared to a lot of the third-rate grunge that was going around. This was before rap-rock metastasized into the scourge it became.
Within a couple years I hated them as much as

I think there are a number of right-wingers with too much time on their hands who target NPR because they see it as the belly of the left-wing, gubment-supported beast.

Did he really say that? That is kind of silly. It was a good line, well deployed. No need to justify it after the fact.

I think for most of the nation, Louisiana is one big swamp with New Orleans in there *somewhere*. The distinction between Baton Rouge and New Orleans is nonexistent.

The NYT public editor just scolded her paper for being late to the game on this story. However, they've done a few stories recently (Campbell Robertson does good work for them down here), and they've got some stuff prominently placed on their homepage right now (you've got to scroll down a bit, but it's there with

The tax credits are still available, technically, but they capped the amount that can be redeemed in a year, so producers aren't sure when they can get paid. A lot of people went to Georgia, which has no cap whatsoever.

"essentially a tropical story without warning"
Or a slow-moving hurricane without the wind.

A lot of people down here are pretty pissed that it's not a bigger story. Right now on CNN's home page, I'm not seeing any photos of it. It's not even on the list of "Top Stories" on the lefthand side. There are a couple stories about the flooding under "News and Buzz," however, below stories like "'I am Cait'"

That's good to hear. I don't watch any network news and very little cable news, so it's hard for me to tell.
Last time I looked it was pretty hard to find on CNN's website and some of the other major ones, somewhere below Justin Bieber quitting Instagram. But it's been a while since I checked. NPR seems to be doing a

Ordinarily I'd be annoyed at filtering this story through the New Orleans/Katrina and Hollywood angles, but this is an entertainment website so I'm fine with it.
At least the AVC is talking about it. People down here are pretty pissed that most of the national media is treating it as a minor story. Informal poll: How

As others have pointed out, it was a major port city, and you need more than just dockworkers and shipbuilders for a city. Teachers, police, retailers, etc. all have to live somewhere.
It's also worth noting that there's been an awful lot of land loss in south Louisiana over the past several decades, much of it caused

I'm sure she did after the fact, but she seemed to be pretty much in shock and confused. I'm not going to judge anyone in that situation.

Baton Rouge here. I'm one of those people, but I like to think I have a bit more perspective than some.

I hate to break it to you, but many college fans are even more hardcore than their NFL brethren. (Obviously there's a lot of crossover, but you know what I mean.) It's even more ingrained into their identity.

I like Cohen, but he's one of those artists who I've never gotten around to fully appreciating. It seems like his lyrics are often brilliant, but the music (and background vocals, as others have said) can be a little off-putting or cheesy. But I'm really not familiar enough with his stuff to make any sort of sweeping

I expected to hate Bomani Jones when I first started seeing him. He takes himself too seriously and seems to be trying too hard to build his "brand;" ie flashing his pinkie ring when he "wins" on ATH. But I find myself agreeing with him most of the time. He makes more sense than damn near anyone on that network.

I'd recommend Siamese Dream over that one, although I haven't listened to either in many years.

I live in Baton Rouge. You may have heard about the month we just had. Luckily, I had no faith in gods to lose.
Also, I agree: Vodka is good.

If the Seinfeld Quote Generator was here, I think he/she would remind us that "It's nice to get a reach" for the check. I once had a woman literally snatch the check from me before I had a chance to even look at it, which I found charming. Not for financial reasons, but I remember thinking "who does that?"