
*reads "key publics for services"*
*throws up a little*

Accidental tragedy?

On your first point, I don't disagree. But I do remember someone writing something to the effect that the amount of money raised was way more than ALS researchers could possibly use, and that it might be better if at least some of the money went to other causes. Which seemed like a reasonable argument; I'd be

I love Seinfeld as well. But even I got sick of those characters by the end. Hell, they seemed sick of each other.

I'm guessing you're not a "Seinfeld" fan.

FWIW, that was the first HD record I heard, and it definitely made me wonder what all the fuss was about. I'm not a punk purist or anything, and I haven't listened to it in many years, but I remember finding it fairly bland.

But isn't this the first time with her current haircut? Doesn't that make it a spoiler?
I don't think people are getting all that worked up, by the way. Just griping and arguing a bit. No more than usual.

Some people do take spoiler-phobia to an extreme, but making a reasonable effort to avoid spoiling things is really easy. Seems like common courtesy to me.
As for this particular case, the AVC has an established policy of trying not to spoil things for people who don't want to be spoiled, and showing Cersei on the

I believe the IRS tried to revoke their tax exempt status, and the "church" sued the crap out of them. Not just the agency, they sued individual IRS employees nationwide.

This is a TV show, and he's the showrunner. If he says she's president, she's president.

I bet most of the various northern communities might be content to stay put and do their own thing. Until the snow zombies show up, at which point northern politics will be pretty much moot.

Do you mean you've twice seen flying objects you couldn't identify, or that you're pretty confident you've actually seen spaceships?

I think you're probably right about it being forced. I just listened to his interview on Michael Ian Black's podcast, and it seems like he's just not a very swear-y guy, but he sort of thought early in his career that he needed to swear to be successful, especially in New York at the time. (Dave Attell was one of his

It was discussed on the show, but it's been a few seasons. Hard to keep track of everyone, I know.

I remember thinking it was decent but sort of pointless. I remember seeing a documentary about him shortly before, knowing nothing about him previously, and the feature film added nothing of value to what I already knew going in.

I'm not a book reader (not these books anyway), but I've heard that Shae's arc makes way more sense in the source material. I think the showrunners tried to make Shae seem really cool, but then they needed her to revert to form (mercenary and not very bright) to advance the plot.

I've never been a big horror movie buff, but for some reason I find myself looking for them more often lately when I'm trying to fill the hole left by my complete lack of a social life, preferably ones that don't run over 90 minutes or so.
Watched a couple along those lines last night. "Hush" is a pretty decent little

That "Blue Dog Democrat" will appoint a Supreme Court justices who is reasonably sympathetic to the values Sanders supporters say they believe in. Trump would appoint a justice who will actively work against those same values. Sanders supporters who fail to support Clinton in the general will have proven themselves to

Admit it: Sometimes, you still think about "reefer" and giggle.

To be clear, I'm pretty sure it's about a corpse that has a boner and also farts. A farting boner would just be silly.