
I know, isn't that annoying? I hate discovering new music. Learning new things in general is a pain, really.

I think here endgame is "being queen." Tommen already worships her. Now he's stronger, and she has gained a relationship with the Sparrow. She's the most powerful person in King's Landing right now.

As we saw last week, she realized Loras is basically useless. He's broken. I'm sure she still cares about him, and she's in a better position to help him now that she's strengthened her own position.

So I'm sure others have pointed this out, but anyway: Didn't the writer miss a third possibility with Margery? Her link to power is her marriage to Tommen. She saw it slipping as Tommen became weaker relative to the Sparrow. Now, Tommen's in a stronger position, and she's got a relationship with the Sparrow to boot.

I don't think she's thrown it away. She's learned their tricks, and now wants to use them for her own personal gain. The assassins' guild isn't cool with that, so she's going to have to fight her way out.

It didn't just happen this episode; we've been building to it for a while. They're paid assassins. They shouldn't be nice people. Arya used them to learn their skills, and now she's got to fight her way out, so to speak.

That cause being his own ego and lust for power. Don't get me wrong, though; he's a great character.

Maybe people hate him because he's a sanctimonious hypocrite who claims not to care about power when he's clearly all about it.

I like how he waited to tell her that until right before they got there. They should have been practicing their story the whole trip!

There's a fair amount of filler on 69 Love Songs. Not bad songs, necessarily, but things I don't need to hear that much. But my personal edit, which consists of me skipping close to half the songs while listening, is maybe my favorite album ever.

I always thought that one would be a great karaoke song, but when are you going to get the chance?

I dunno, the idea of someone spending more than $300 for one of his old bricks is at least a little sad.

Practical question: Is it mainly about writing fiction, or would you recommend it for nonfiction writers as well? I realize you just said "everyone should read it," but not sure if I should take that literally.

It might be hard to avoid *seeing* them. Actually reading them is a choice.

That was my reaction. It's not like she's been neglected before this season, and it's not like important characters don't disappear for long stretches on this show.

Pretty indifferent about the whole thing

In the Company of Men is good, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend it.

Avery Island is less accessible. Other than the first song and "Leave me alone/Gardenhead," there aren't as many tunes that really grab people in the same way as most of Aeroplane. Or at least, that's what I assume; I've never actually had this conversation with anyone.

It's pretty boring musically, but the lyrics are awesome. "Your father made fetuses with flesh-licking ladies, while you and your sister were asleep in the trailer park" I mean, c'mon, that's at least pretty good, right?

They must have been pissed, too. I went to full-band reunion shows where they didn't even let people bring their phones inside the venue.