
I'm pretty sure he's not putting much thought into this. There's no actual money at stake; why would he?

I wouldn't say the first two are "great," exactly, or even necessarily good. But I think they're entertaining. Especially the second; just so batshit nutty, it doesn't need to make sense.

Hi everybody!
So, looking for advice: Best podcast apps for Android devices? All pretty much the same? Got a favorite?

SHAME *rings bell*

I'm not sure. I've already forgotten about it.

So, a set of chains heavy enough to restrain dragons, and a drunken dwarf can pull the pin with one hand?

Didn't Cruz literally promise to carpet-bomb civilians as part of his anti-ISIS strategy? Clinton is more hawkish than most liberals, but she's practically a dove compared to Cruz and Trump.

Just wrapped up a couple assignments. My next couple aren't due until next week, and I don't think either one will be too time-consuming as long as I don't procrastinate too much. (What am I doing on the AVC? C'mon, it's lunchtime! GET OFF MY BACK) I'm lucky to have some dependable local clients that keep me busy

Or, you can just watch them all on YouTube right now.

And his "character" is an asshole, so, the theory checks out.

Never mind, it's on Netflix. Looking forward to it.

I've never seen it. Does one of the major streaming services have it?

Nah, I'm pretty sure she's on staff, so I'm guessing she's salaried.

Not sure if the band's composition has changed since I saw them, but I remember thinking it was pretty funny that he had replaced the white chick and asian dude in the original lineup with… a white chick and an asian dude. I suppose it could have been a coincidence, but it was almost like he was trying to put one over

Saw Buddy Guy at Baton Rouge Blues Fest last night. He's about to be 80 years old, so perhaps can't carry a show quite like he used to, but still a badass and still worth seeing if you get the chance. Had this teenage guitarist in his band for some reason; kid could shred, but I wonder if Guy's other backing guitarist

That's good to hear. Last time I saw them was several years ago at some festival, and they were pretty dull. All I remember was that they closed with an interminable version of "I love rock n roll," just a lame version of an already shitty song.

I wish the article above had been able to go into how his politics evolved as he got older. My sense is that he actually grew more liberal as he aged, and came to reject the viewpoints expressed in "Okie…" and the like, although he never stopped playing those songs.

Is The Characters any good?

That would have been my guess as well.