
As someone with a decade on you, who also has his own issues (depression, mostly), I'd be remiss if I didn't remind you that you won't necessarily get where you need to be unless you're doing things on a daily basis to get there. Even if you're not sure where you're headed, it's important to work toward something. I

I hit 40 this May. I'm not ready, but I'm working on it. Here's to both of us. *tips glass*

To be fair, there was no mention of Duracell (that I noticed) but an explicit mention of Energizer, which I'm guessing is Duracell's biggest competitor.

Well, since you asked nicely…

I dunno, the hero's journey is about the most common story possible, but many other writers and filmmakers have managed to make it interesting. Maybe there could have been more or longer or more realistic conflicts? More dialogue? Better character development? More varied forms of transportation? I understand the

I watched this recently out of curiosity. It's terrible, and terribly dull. It seems they didn't have enough story , so they padded the runtime with many, many scenes of people running.

That was great; thanks for posting.

Same here, although that's the one I'd be most looking forward to anyway, so I'm probably biased.

I'm no sociologist, but I'm going to say that it's always been a thing, just with a new name and abetted by new technologies.

I thought Liv Tyler was lousy, but agree on the rest of the performances. Whoever played the cult leader was terrific.

Read the recent New Yorker profiles of Marco Rubio and Ben Carson. Both were decent, if not exactly revelatory. I thought the Carson one was a bit too credulous about him supposedly being a reluctant candidate.
Watched Attack the Block and finished my binge of The Leftovers. The former is nothing special, but it's a

I tried a digital antenna, but it didn't work for me. I think I've got some buildings in my way.
In fact, I bought a smart tv and the antenna, and ended up returning both. Turned out the TV didn't have the apps I needed. In short, I am not a smart shopper.

I get HBO through Sling, but the user interface for the on-demand stuff is terrible. Otherwise, I mostly just use it for the ESPN stuff.

So I blew right past the story to avoid spoilers and post this: I haven't seen a moment of this show, but I've heard great things about the second season. Can I skip the first season, or will I be lost?

There's a supercut on YouTube of all Tommy's scenes, minus the sex scenes. There's also a guy that does "everything wrong with [movie] in [x] minutes," and his take on The Room is pretty funny (the phrase "who the fuck is that guy?!" comes up repeatedly). That's all I've seen, and I feel like it's plenty. It's more

Yep, sorry, now that I've scrolled down, there seems to be a bit of the "sellout" stuff, mixed in with "ew, gross, Carl's Jr." and a smidgeon of "their past advertising is sexist and targeted at obnoxious douchebros"

Who's objecting?

Proposed rewrite: Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but Real Rob flatters no one.

The bands you name in both paragraphs were quite popular among indie fans, and there was plenty of crossover among their fans. Maybe you just had narrow-minded friends.