
Stealth REM reference, nice.

This guy gets it.

Nice teamwork.

Wait, didn't one member of the resistance explicitly say that they're actually *not* trying to get the films to the man in the high castle, despite the earlier misconceptions of some of the characters? Something like "you didn't really think that we'd go through all this trouble to bring him his own films"? I had a

I would agree with that. There doesn't seem to be much outrage, according to the story linked above, although the dude from the Anti-Defamation League does use the term "viscerally offensive," so I guess you could put him in that category. It wouldn't really bother me too much, but I suppose if members of my family in

How do you feel about feathers?

As I posted upthread, the issue does not seem to be that anyone thinks it's promoting Nazism or Hitler, just that it may be in poor taste.

In the Gothamist story, no one is suggesting that it is in any way implying reality, or that anyone is taking it as such. Some people just find it to be in poor taste. Others may disagree, as such things are subjective, but I don't think that opinion is unreasonable.

I've enjoyed MITHC so far, but I may be in the minority.

I've been enjoying Man in the High Castle, although I've been drinking my way through it so very possible I'm overlooking its flaws. It seems to be getting lukewarm reviews, so curious what others here think.
Also watched LSU possibly seal Les Miles' fate, so there's that. Nice to know that there are (according to

I was most happy that Vitter's shameless pandering on the refugee issue didn't move the needle at all. Not that Edwards didn't do a little of that, but Vitter was just so over-the-top and outright dishonest.

We never did get around to making that a new meme. I wonder if it's too late.

Seriously, what the fuck is he thinking? He knows what his poll numbers are. The only way a tour around the state wouldn't get ugly is if it's stage-managed to death, which means he still comes off looking like a dick.

Not sure I agree with your math. I know lots of responsible, productive people who use various drugs from time to time. [and yes, alcohol, nicotine and caffeine count as drugs. and yes, some drugs are more dangerous than others.] I don't know the statistics offhand, but I feel confident saying that the vast majority

Well, from time to time, it *is* pretty great to get higher than a kite. Drugs can be a lot of fun. As long as it's just an occasional thing, done responsibly, it's fine.
Also, I'm not sure what you mean that "suddenly we live in an age" where drug jokes are OK. You haven't heard of Cheech and Chong?
Finally, I think

The Giants defensive line on those two teams in particular deserves credit.

He put up big numbers his senior year, but he was often making easy throws to Odell Beckham Jr. and Jarvis Landry, both of whom would be wide open on comeback routes all day long because no one could cover them. And his personality always struck me as vaguely Jay Cutler-ish. I guess I'm saying I have my doubts about

Your choice might be mine as well, so I'll pick another: Looking for someplace to stand and stay/I leaned on the wall and the wall leaned away

I don't know if I'd call him a "great" singer, but I enjoy his vocals very much. You don't really need to be able to sing to do rocknroll, but it helps to have an interesting style of non-singing. Very few voices this deep in pop music.

I thought Dardenne was a reasonably decent choice. Experienced as a legislator and executive and fairly moderate by Republican standards. So of course he finished last. Honore would have been interesting; I'm kinda surprised he didn't run for anything this year as he seemed to be setting himself up to do so.